18 January 2009

Trucking On and Sounding Off

As Kipp is a real truck fan we went to Upper Hutt to a truck show which was to raise funds for the IHC.

The weather wasn't that good in the morning so we didn't see the convoy that left Seaview at 8AM plus we got to bed after midnight on the Saturday night as we had been out on baby sitting duties. 

The weather improved so we went up at about 2PM. It was a very interesting display but the turnout from the public would have been disappointing to the organisers.

Have decided to open a music blog  www.soundsold.blogspot.com (Sounds Old not Sound Sold)

Why?  Don't know - except if anybody contacts me with music I can at least direct them to mine.Even though the music will be out of stock and 40-50 years old I don't know if the site will remain open.