08 January 2009

It's Christmas so it must be war

Taken from the site: www.nocaptionneeded.com 

"So Hamas and Israel both wanted war and each got their wish. The war was no surprise when it came and the outcomes are predictable as well. 

Israel will use its overwhelming military superiority to smash enemy infrastructure while also killing many civilians, which will allow Hamas, broken but not destroyed, to claim moral and political victory. The international community will broker another truce, the band-aid of humanitarian aid will be restored, rocket attacks on Israel will diminish for a while, and the occupation policies that have turned the West Bank and Gaza into prisons will continue. A rejuvenated IDF will claim that it did indeed, as the Defense Minister promised, restore “peace and tranquility,” a phrase notable for not including the word “justice.” 

Then the rocket attacks or suicide attacks will resume, Israel will again be given the worthless admonition that it should allow itself only a proportionate response–which, technically, would be firing rockets at civilians–and so it goes. It is tempting to simply say, “a pox on both your houses.”

But then there is this:"

He has, in my view, a slight bias towards the Arab position.  I am convinced that as Israel has had a reasonably satisfactory peace settlement with Egypt and Jordan for many years the ceasefire blame lies elsewhere. This is notwithstanding that some drawback has to be made by Israel from Palestine.  Putting settlers into the conquered areas was a stupid act of arrogance.   

I believe a peace needs to be put in place and let run for a few years. Only then discussions should take place about the Palestine land issues. Again, biased, but I think that if a, adhered to by both sides, peace settlement was in place then the other issues would be solved. 

Of course this will not happen.