17 January 2009


They say a miracle is one in a million - that means over a 1000 happen every day in China.  Well there was one in New York yesterday. 

On one of the coldest days of the year, a passenger jet carrying more than 150 people was forced to make a water landing in the frigid Hudson River. It crashed into waters just west of Manhattan after taking off from LaGuardia Airport en route to Charlotte, N.C.  It seems the problem was caused by "bird strike" although that has yet to be confirmed. All the passengers were rescued unharmed. A miracle!  

The miracle was the pilot of US Airways Flight 1549, Captain Chesley Sullenberger III who had remained calm as he made a perfect landing into the river. He remained on board as the passengers evacuated and then he slogged the length of the flooding plane twice to make sure everybody was out. What a hero. 

I am not a great fan of the Airbus as I think they are too computerised. However,  this one didn't crack up or sink. So they must have something going for them.