01 January 2008

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Another year. What will it hold. On the personal front we all hope it will be another wonderful and enjoyable 12 months. On the wider front I hope for some improvement but hold out little hope.

A new US President will be elected and to quote from the New York Times

" .. (the) ... shocking abuses of President Bush’s two terms in office, made in the name of fighting terrorism. There is much more — so much that the next president will have a full agenda simply discovering all the wrongs that have been done and then righting them.
We can only hope that this time, unlike 2004, American voters will have the wisdom to grant the awesome powers of the presidency to someone who has the integrity, principle and decency to use them honorably. Then when we look in the mirror as a nation, we will see, once again, the reflection of the United States of America."

Is he the worst President the US has ever had? He must be in the top three. Unfortunately, although it can apply to many countries, I believe the US system of democracy is particularly poor in that it conspires against people of real competence and experience to be elected.

We will also have an election but, whatever that outcome, I think the status quo will remain.