26 January 2008

Just another Friday in Kiwiland and beyond

We had a very good Friday culminating with the Seachers show in Upper Hutt.

Meantime the world goes on its normal way. Only two murders on Friday - in one a 16 year old has botched a robbery and killed a 22 year old Indian who was looking after his parents shop. I wonder what the race of the murderer is? Also I wonder what the killer will be charged with. The lawyers will argue he didn't mean to do it and he was sorry. He only carried the knife because he was frightened, or some such excuse. So he will be back out in the community in 10-12 years.

The good news, if there can be any in such a tragic event, is, I suppose, that some members of the public chased and captured the killer. The way it is here now, they will probably charge them with assault!!

Meantime the bloody twerps who run this world carry on with their stupid decisions. As reported in this mornings Dom-Post -

The family of a man murdered by Graeme Burton have been told to repay up to $19,000 in legal aid granted for an inquest into his death.

Karl Kuchenbecker's former partner is on the domestic purposes benefit while she raises their two boys. But while taxpayers will pay about $40,000 for double-killer Burton's amputation and prosthetic leg - a result of the shootout that followed Mr Kuchenbecker's murder - she has been told to repay legal fees for a four-day coroner's inquest at $25 a week.

At that rate, the bill of $19,027 will take 14 years and 31 weeks to pay off.

The boys' mother can apply to write this off, but said it was a shock to be asked to repay it.

Everybody but the idiots who run this show know this is insane. Of course, the Government will realise that they are on a hiding to nothing and will make sure she doesn't have to pay, but they should have used common sense at the start.

But we are not the only nuts.

From the BBC -

A story based on the Three Little Pigs fairy tale has been turned down by a government agency's awards panel as the subject matter could offend Muslims.

The digital book was rejected by judges who warned that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues".

So something positive - the tennis.

The defeat of "The Fed Express "
will be great for the game. He probably has reached his peak and the younger guns will now have him in their sights although I think he will still be a force for the next couple of years - if he wants to be.