16 July 2010

Under the weather

Weather: A subject anyone can talk about. After about two fine days we are almost back to rain but even I have to admit it is cold. But I probably notice it as I now have the 'lurgy' - the same as what Christine had. Coughing, runny nose, sore throat - no headache thank heaven .

Just have to wait it out I guess.

A guy from Transpower spoke at Rotary this week and we can really see that we need the damn rain.

The question he asked was, how long would we last before running out of electricty if it stopped raining today. Six weeks!!

Lucky it keeps raining in Enzed. He had some faith in wind power (I don't) and surprisingly it seems we get a 40% reliability while in Europe they get 30% so we are pretty good. As for solar power he thought it is 30-40 years minimum away to get a satisfactory system. The problem seems to be the toxicity of the sheets plus only a 10 year or so life span (and a 1000 years to get rid of them).

Damn again.

Sport: The Tour de France. Another bunch of lunatics running a sport. Our guy gets head butted by an Ozzie who is then disqualified. But the headbutt enabled the head butters team mate to go on to win the stage. He wasn't disqualified. Nuts. As bad as Soccer.

The Boks will be a different kettle of fish on Saturday.

I suppose it is almost a sport but we came 4th for the second week in a row in the Quiz. And missed the bonus by being 1 year out in our guess - but as usual it was a 3 part question!!
As for the music - I have never heard any of the songs he played in my life and of the artists only two of them.