30 July 2010

Get Carter

Chris Carter M.P. Is the man mad. Some seem to think so.

On 29 July he was suspended from the Labour caucus for sending an anonymous letter around the Press Gallery both denigrating Phil Gough and claiming there was a leadership challenge against him. When confronted by Gough he first denied it before admitting it was his letter. It was an idiot thing as they recognised his handwriting.

Is he thick - yes.

Now we find out he got a free trip to China (the Chinese Government paid) and went without getting permission. When interviewed on TV about it, he said as it was free and wasn't costing the taxppayer anything so he thought he could just take off.

Imagine if I was working for a firm and got the offer of a free trip and just didn't turn up at work for a few days. It just doesn't penetrate their brain that they are being paid to work for us.

Why again does an interviewer let somebody get away with a statement like that.