14 July 2010

Bastille Day 14 July

Bastille Day: With the boys both going to be French speakers it will probably be an important day in the future.

AGM: All over in probably the fastest time ever at about 25 minutes.

Birthday: Coming up soon - 69 - wow! Sarah asked what I wanted but the problem is at my age I have everything I need unless it is something monstrous such as a new car. Some how I don't think that idea will float.

Story: Another one I have thought of.

When Labour and National swapped sides (National having moved to the left under Muldoon and Labour to the right under the influence of Roger Douglas) one of the things Labour did was to close dozens (100's ??) of useless Post Offices.

In a meeting protesting about one of the small local Post Offices being closed down on the West Coast, the National MP said write to the Minister to complain. He then said it wouldn't cost anything as it is free to write to Government Ministers. Kerry Burke, who was the local MP, said "No it is not free - you just don't have to put a stamp om the envelope"

He knew that usually in life (the Internet may be an exception) nothing is free and in this case the taxpayer had to pay.

We need a new word in English to equal Taxpayer Funded as people continue (usually now on the Left) to say something such as hospital care is free when it isn't.

Bill: I see a South African tourist got ill and died but as she had no insurance we are going to have to pick up the over quarter of a million dollar tab. Maybe those who come from a country we don't have a reciprocal arrangement with should have compulsory insurance. But, as Angela points out the Tourist lobby would go berserk and would the cost outweigh the advantages.