29 April 2009

Family Tree, Power and what a swine

Family Tree - Further to my post on 23 April about the new Births Death & Marriages online site.
I have now delved a bit deeper and found out all sorts of information on both sides of the family, including some photos. I will try to get it in some semblance of order and put it online shortly.

I need some time as I know the information is wrong in many cases. My intention, to help them, is to email the sites where the information is wrong to enable them to correct it.

Power generation - Problems again. The link from the South Island to the North has developed a fault. It is 43 years old and little maintenance has been done. So the pots calling the kettle black are out again - it being Labour's fault but 10 years ago what did National do - the same as Labour. Nothing. I notice they didn't say that they were going to do something now - just it is all the others fault. The South is chocker with water and spare capacity we are told and has been for some time. So why didn't we see price reductions.??

Swine flue - In today's world it doesn't take long for any outbreak to move around the world. But I see the real worry is that in Dunedin alone we have 31 cases of measles. All un-vaccinated. In the USA last year they had just over 60 cases in total. These nuts who put the rest at risk, as we know it is only about 99% effective, are crazy. Plus we have the time wasted and cost. I wonder if anybody who has swine flu will not take the tamiflu injections ?

I can't fathom out that they didn't quarantine some people because the Department didn't get to the aircraft in time. Haven't they heard of the telephone?

Also they couldn't get the samples to Sydney as they said they missed the plane and couldn't get one until 4 days later. Since there are several flights a day I can't understand what is going on.

On talkback they said if you ring the 0800 Healthline and report the symptoms of swine flu they recommend you go to your doctor!! Brilliant that's the way to spread the disease!!

You can't say we are not efficient - cue sarcasm.
However we are a lot better than most.

Crime - It just continues. A man defends himself against a gunman and in the struggle the criminal may have sustained a gunshot wound. We all know who they are looking at to charge.

A school Principal goes on TV to say they have been robbed 10 times in the past month - laptops, video gear etc - not inconsequential stuff. The police never responded to the 10 complaints and to top it off the school had a good idea who committed the crimes and told that to the Police. When it goes on TV they finally do something and arrest some teenagers.

Blog change - Thought I will try to put a small heading at the start of each topic in the blog from now on to make it easier to read - I think. Then again who reads it apart from me.