20 April 2009

The cold winds of change

They are blowing as the weather has at long last heralded winter with rain and cold arriving. No real rain recently; the last being when the Windies played and a small amount on the last day of the 3rd Test against India. So the wet stuff has been needed; but not so much the cold temperatures. 

The cold winds of change have also come out from an OECD report which says we are stuffed unless we improve our productivity and get our debt levels down. Basically, they are right but it is certainly a case of the kettle calling the pot black as the writers of the report are an European based organisation - the home of the protectionist traders!!

Incredibly they believe we should privatise more - what is left to privatise  - but more incredibly they think we should privatise our health system. 

With the more unfettered capitalist system of the last few years almost ruining the world they want more of it.  Haven't they been awake over the last 12 months!!

I believe if it is possible and better to be privately run then that is great and the preferred option - as long as good regulation is in place and it is monitored and enforced 

But the health system - this sums it up: - 

They must be crazy. Who in their right mind would want an American style health system. 

Worked out that to save in one fell swoop to an online host I only need to Zip the files!! Did that and opened an account with Mr Gates SkyDrive.  Tried to upload and waited, and waited and waited..... There is no activity bar to indicate how much has been uploaded so after 30 minutes or so gave up.
Part of the problem is of course our Broadband speed is getting slower as more people ditch Dialup. They keep saying in the papers that it is improving. What rubbish. 

Just did a test at Consumer NZ - 2.10 PM Monday 20 April and I got - 

Download Speed: 1489 kbps (186.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed:
70 kbps (8.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Slower than the last result!!

Rugby - Super 14 is getting tight with only a few points separating the top 8 or so teams. The injury to Chiefs halfback Brendon Leonard is a blow as I am sure their resurgence is due in main to him.  
The question is can the Hurricanes make it??