30 April 2008

Rolling Along

Just rolling along. Busy , busy , busy with just the usual things - SeniorNet , personal, Rotary etc etc.

Weather has certainly broken with rain coming down but the predicted storms did not eventuate down our way but the amazing factor is that it is still incredibly warm.

We had Kipp overnight on Saturday, which was great and Rhett had his, what will become an almost quarterly, grooming session on Monday and he looks really neat and tidy. A new man!

Saw an idea to raise funds which I will bring up at Rotary - as per usual may be too hard to really get organised and it also depends on a great deal of honesty. It involves selling glasses of tap water at restaurants at a $1-00 per glass with the funds raised going to a charity. We shall see.

Must update the Super 14. Lost a bit of interest for a while but with the Chiefs playing out of their skin, defeating the Crusaders, and then what was the best game viewing wise of the season against the Reds, a bit of life has been brought back. The most stessful game reesult wise was Chiefs-Crusaders but it didn't have the flow of the Reds game. With the three to join the Crusaders becoming very difficult to pick I think the Hurricanes will miss out and the Stormers although currently 6th, have a good final run, playing at home and facing some of the easier teams.

As for the Waratahs, lying second and having sacked the coach the Board are looking like idiots.

The comment of the week must be the ratbag involved in the shooting of the child in Wanganui who told the Judge he wanted to go to jail so he could form his own gang - so tthe Judge gave him 100 hours community service!! After all he only had about 100 prior convictions. Who is running the prisons - the prisoners. On a criminal note have been watch the australian TV series Underbelly. It is enthralling. The crooks continued to run their 'business' from prison because they were allowed, as are ours today, to have face to face, basically private meetings, with their visitors.

As I have probably said before - I would put up a sheet of perspex, drill some holes, visitors one side - prisoners the other. And I would record all conversations. It will never happen.