11 April 2008

Copy not right

The new copyright law has been enacted by our Parliament.

I have yet to see one commentator who considers it anything but useless dribble. My word is Pathetic Rubbish - whoops two words!!

As one said they have at least brought copyright up to about 1990.

It seems it is still illegal to format shift - definitely illegal for film and all the audio people have to do is opt out and that is it. There are probably more draconian measures, stupidity and kilometres of thickness within the Act; but I suppose that is all we can expect for a group that doesn't seem to have a clue about technology.

Paid the air fares for our trip today - if we hadn't they would have gone up due to the increase in fuel costs. Will be interesting to see if the price of oil drops, will the price drop.

Olympics - basically gave up a few years ago. Again, once something goes professional - and I accept that is the way of the world now - it goes down the gurgler. Drugs are a real problem and I see the US relay team have lost their medals thanks to the conviction of Marion Jones for being a drug cheat. You would not be a happy person if you were in that team. As for Tibet - I have always been against boycotts and I think it is better for the athletes to go and say what they think. Show them a bit of democracy for what it is worth!

Just been watching Kevin Rudd the Ozzie PM on TV press conference. A very impressive man who makes most world leaders look like hacks - well by the world I probably mean the USA. Their leader and all the pretenders to the throne seem very poor and often don't seem to have a clue about anything - although Obama comes across reasonably well.