19 March 2008

Shape Shifter

An update at last. Been busy, but not too busy to visit the Shape Shifter display in the Hutt which was put on by Hutt Rotary.

We finally got around to going last Saturday. We originally planned to go to a Thursday evening session, but we forgot. As it was finishing on the next Tuesday it was now of never or we would have missed it. It was a wonderful exhibition and well worth visiting, especially as the entrance fee was only $5-00. We took some great photos which I will put up here once we have downloaded them.

Am reading Bill Bryson's book 'A short history of nearly everything'. As a believer in science, rather than superstitious mumbo jumbo, I have found it a fascinating read. A couple of interesting points - When you tune to a blank TV channel and get all that static - 1% represents the remnants of the Big Bang that created the universe. So if their is always something on TV - the creation.
Another is that arguably, the most important tooth in paleontology, is held by Te Papa - but it is not on display!!!

Also sad to see the death of Sir Arthur C. Clarke. He had many quotes but my favourite is
'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'