06 March 2008

Language and as usual - our money

While it's important to recognise that everyone has rights, sometimes common sense just disappears out the window. And when it goes, so does the taxpayers money.

Currently several people are facing charges from the recent 'terrorist' raids. These people now want all evidence, charges, and court procedures to be carried out in Maori because they say 'although they are fluent in English, they would like to speak in te reo because they are more fluent in it.'

What rubbish. We, and probably most of the developed world, speak English. Do they mean that they haven't bothered to learn the language of New Zealand and the world. What have they been doing with their lives.

And of course the usual people pay - you and me, the taxpayers.
I would be interested in knowing how many of these people hold real jobs - that is not taxpayer funded wishy washy PC correct positions.

The sale of Auckland Airport has been a nice finesse by the Government as most people without considering all the facts, believe we shouldn't sell assets like this. So John Key is between the rock and a hard place.