03 March 2008

Quiet weekend

It was a quiet weekend, the only item of note being the change in the weather. It rained!! Good grief - probably the first decent rain during the day time since November. And it also became relatively cold compared to what we have been used to. Anyway, we were still able to take Rhett for a walk along the riverbank on Sunday which should have tired him out but he barked off and on during the night and kept us awake.

Rowing - A tough contest with the result at one all after this monings race with one to go. I seems crazy that, of the worlds top two single scullers, only one is allowed to compete at the Olympics. Personally I prefer Mahe as he stayed at the sport while Rob left for the money (and I can't blame him) of the Americas Cup but I favour Rob to actually win.

The problem is that there is so little between them.

Watched the first episode of the series on Captain Cook and it looks as if it will be enlightening. However, I am concerned that it will degenerate into a overly critical look at the man, judging him on todays standards and attitudes, rather than those of his times. What I hadn't realised was that his wife lived until her 90's and outlived all of their 6 children.

Our video is so old it has to be programmed at the date of 1991 to reflect the current years, as it can't go past 1999. However, this morning when going to set it, quite by chance I noticed the date showing was the 4th instead of the 3rd (the 3rd being my brothers birhday - Happy 65th!!)
Damn - it is Leap Year and it can't cope with that. So after a bit of mucking about I found that 1997 is the date for 2008 after 1 March. I am sure (talking about dates) that I have said it before how I loathe the old fashioned American dates system of Month ahead of Day.
The flow is wrong.