15 February 2008

Quiz Night

Went to the Quiz Night at the Workingmens Club the other night. We had Joes parent with us as well as our next door neighbour so we formed two teams. The team I was in finished 5th I think - we did do better than our other halves. But as a person who likes words, (read - talking!!), I learnt a couple of new facts. Lollipop is the longest word you can type with your right hand and dreamt is the only English word ending in MT.

Some Current Affairs - Electricity - I see they are again saying we will probably have power cuts. What do these highly paid people do that they can't plan ahead. I realise that you can't plan for really bad years but do they have power cuts in Canada, UK, Australia. What is going on!!

Tagging - an Art Crime according to the Maori Party. However, the Government are going to legislate to try and limit the sales of spray cans to those aged 18+. It will make little/no difference.

Parliament - Katherine Rich is getting out. Says she wants more time with her children and is sick of 15 hour days 7 days a week. I am one of the few who thinks 120 members is OK - they are paid OK - they work hard (the vast majority anyway) - and MMP is good.

Poured again last night but this morning beautiful and fine which is good for the Petone Fair which is on this weekend.