18 February 2008

Medals found

Well we have the medals back - at a cost. As for the thieves saying they are sorry - what a load of rubbish. If they were indeed sorry then they would have just given them back without taking the money. Not much the lawyer could do, in fact he did a wonderful job. We can only hope that the Police do actually locate the criminals but I don't hold out much hope but with talk that the Gangs were sniffing around I would guess that they would have some involvement.

I was interested in the lawyers comment that only a couple of people in the country had the skills to do the job. Was he hinting to the Police as to who to look at.

What a bunch of scumbags.

But maybe we can't say that about them as when the word was used by Phil Goff about a bunch of useless thugs, Peter Williams Q.C. was unimpressed. He said they were human beings. That I'm afraid, most of these scumbags aren't.

But the insanity carries on. We are paying
the fines (although it could be argued we are only lending them the money and they will repay it - YEAH RIGHT !) for the likes of drunk drivers etc so they don't get their cars impounded. Another woman is up on her 11th prosecution for Drunk in Charge - she has already killed one of her children - and of course nothing is really being done about it.

At least the weather continues its glorious run.