09 February 2008

Hijacking security and Gridiron

Well our first ever hi-jack. By, it would seem, a nut case who should never have been in the country.

Winston Peters, speaking under parliamentary privilege in November 2004, said the woman had a "police record a mile long" and had been "bludging off the New Zealand taxpayer" for 10 years.
He said she had been trying to bring 14 of her relatives to New Zealand and had a record of convictions that would make Al Capone proud.

Plus, I understand she has caused all sorts of costs and problems to employers, shops, the Immigration Department, the Police, Hospitals as well as numerous individuals and as one said on TV she always played the race card..

The question we ask is why did we take her ? However, at a Rotary meeting a couple of years ago a speaker said previously we chose who we took, but the UN had changed the rules, and they now selected the people. The argument being that some refugees would never be taken by any country as they were very difficult cases. But, on the other side, why should we take refugees that are dangerous or going to be extremely costly to the taxpayer.

Another question that will arise now is Security. I think we just have to use common sense. Putting in costly security for small airports would seem a waste. Where are they going to fly to and if their plan is to harm people, there are many other avenues such as railways which are a much easier and more lethal target.

American Football. Often called Gridiron here as it is not Football which is Rugby, while real Football is called, like in the USA, Soccer. Joes father is over from the UK and mentioned he was interested in watching the US Football final - Patriots Vs Giants. The so called World Championship. I suppose it really is as nobody else plays the game!!

Though they say it was one of the best games ever, I can understand why nobody else does watch it. With a Noon NZ start time and not finishing for nearly 4 hours - with most of the time seeming to be taken up with breaks for advertising - I am afraid it is not a game that inspires me in the least. It is really the first time I have ever watched a game right through and apart from one move by Eli Manning that led to the winning of the game, I found it boring. The problem for me is whereas Rugby and League and most other games try to keep going, they stop.

I suppose it is what you are used to.