18 February 2009

Words fail me

They do. Today's news gives the story of a Mr. Afu.
He killed at 14 (manslaughter) and since then he has assaulted a women and in doing so caused the death of her unborn child, assaulted a 3 year old etc, etc. He should be put away for 30 years.

Brawl at Hutt Valley high due to gang members going onto the property.

A Judges sentences a man to 16 months jail and bans him from driving for 12 months. He should be banned for 10 years.

A cyclist complains about treatment from the police when four times he broke the law in 15 minutes. The real problem is that TV3 News presented the item as if the Police were in the wrong and were surprised when 70% of the emails called the criminal an idiot.

The Auditor-General says the Corrections Department is basically a dangerous shambles. The trouble is he is not telling us something we don't already know - and have known for several years.

Words - English as she is spoke. Ghoti and Tchoghs = Fish and chips.
Fish: hg as in tough,o as in women,ti as in nation -this was devised by Geoege Bernard Shaw.
Tchoghs: tch as in match, o as in women, gh as in hiccough (this is an example I haven't seen before).

Have had a problem with a corrupt Word file and also the Laptop has reverted to it old settings. What is wrong with Microsoft that they can't get things right. The thing that amuses (frustrates) me is that a box will come up and it has the 'Don't show this again' ticked.
Madness and incompetent.