28 February 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

His dark black hair reminds us of Angela when she was born. Looking back at Kipp's early pictures, although he did not have the amount of hair and was much lighter in colour, he was a a little darker than we first remembered and turned quite blond a few weeks later as his hair grew.

Sport - square eyes and a trigger finger on the Sky remote was the order of the night. From channel 30 up to 31 then down to 19 then up to 30 - but how was the cricket going - so up to 31 - and so on......

With a last hit win in the cricket, after seemingly coasting to victory and the Hurricanes coming through, it was sadly only the Breakers losing in the last few seconds that destroyed the trifecta of wins. The Hurricanes still persist in kicking the ball away but Weepu is looking good at 1st Five.

27 February 2009

Square Eyes

The eyes must be square tonight as simultaneously we have -

20/20 Cricket - NZ and India
Rugby - Hurricanes and Crusaders
Basketball - Breakers and the Melbourne Tigers

Maori TV took a punt and got the Basketball and now I see the other channels are annoyed that they cannot show it. How sad. They didn't want it when the Breakers were not doing well and when they start to win they want it.

Sounds like Wall Street, or it seems business and capitalism in general - or maybe not capitalism so much as human greed - when there are profits to be made they pay themselves sickening amounts. When there are losses they want the tax payer to bail them out. As an example on tonights news -

'Pacific Brands in Australia executives awarded themselves rises up to 170% as they were planning to sack 2000 workers.

The total remuneration for 13 directors more than doubled in 2008, from just over $7 million to $15.5 million.

The bill, which was approved last June, includes chief executive package rising from $685,775 to $1,860,649, including a staggering seven-fold increase in her "incentive payments". Her bonus was approved despite overseeing a 45 per cent fall in the share price in the six months leading up to the pay deals.

The news will come as a hammer blow to the families of the 1850 people who were told that high costs meant their jobs were no longer viable.'

25 February 2009

Monty Cartoon

This is a great cartoon. Probably a bit hard to read so it is best to double click each panel and read it in larger size. Basically it covers two major topics of the moment - Monty and downloading from the internet.

At Home

Kipp looking at the new person in the house.

In somebody's arms!!

24 February 2009

More of the Full Monty and the clever clogs

Saw the new one today and he is now at home and all is well.

Here are some Monty moments - 

At the top Field Marshall Montgomery - he of El Alamein fame, of which Churchill said of the victory  'It is not the end, nor even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning'
Percy 'Monty' Montgomery - the South African fullback - he of the white boots
Monty Python - the famous BBC TV show
and of course a modern expression The Full Monty


The clever clogs.  

What is the meaning of KIPP - Old English; means 'brow of a hill or crown'
What is the meaning of MONTY - Old French; from mont meaning 'hill' 

They are not as silly as they look. 

(But Blogger is - the fonts are all over the place. I use Arial but Georgia is the default. A problem is that although I change it, it reverts back to Georgia - sometimes - so it gets an untidy look!! Grrrr. I think I will change to Georgia  Grrrr again)

23 February 2009

Monthy Jethro

Monty - At 3.20 kgs he is a bit bigger than Kipp who from memory came in at about 2.6. I haven't seen him yet but will tomorrow. However, Christine has (as has Angela) and here are some photos.
What you can see is his BLACK hair; quite different to the BLONDE Kipp.

Grandparents again Yahoooo!!!

Monty Jethro was born today at 3.30 PM. We have just got the text so will blog more later.

More on Democracy and the Politicians

Found this piece relating to an interview the previous Minister had with student radio with some comments from the site www.theyworkforyou.co.nz

One thing you can depend upon is the opposition defending guilt by accusation. Yeah right.

"Minister Judith Tizard made comments related to Section 92A of the Copyright Act half-way through a bfm radio interview on 10 November 2008. It required a response. Here’s a transcript and my comments:

Interviewer: “The concern with the IT people though is that when they came and expressed concerns about, say, the potential that people would be disconnected from the Internet for civil offences - it perhaps was not the exchange of ideas which caused the main problem, but the feeling that you’d almost sort-of prejudged the case when you’d came and sat down with them.”

Judith Tizard: “We’d made - the law had changed, they came about a year too late - and I tried to explain the process by which laws are made - and to be, to be, um, [sigh] to be specific there are a couple of people who are upset, …”

(There are 592 members of the Facebook group Fair Copyright for N Z.)

Judith Tizard: “… most of the rest - and to be blunt they’re talking bullshit - um, you know, if - yes it is easier for ISPs, Internet Service Providers, to cut off anyone who might be breaking the law, um, but you know, you can go to a library and use the Internet, and you can go to another ISP.

So my argument was that there was commercial sense in having a process, ar, by which we could - it’s a combination of education and enforcement.

You can’t say to copyright owners we will legalize the theft of your creative work, nor, could we say to citizens you can’t use music that you own and, you know, an ipod together.”

There were 125 public submissions on the new Act when it was before select committee.

Several submissions were against the termination of a person’s Internet connection based on the accusation that they might have infringed copyright.

Consumer New Zealand raised this warning:

The onus is then on the customer to prove their case and get their website access reinstated. We believe this responsibility is open to malicious abuse by parties who wish to close-down websites or disrupt in some way another person’s business or enjoyment of the use of the internet.

Based on these submissions, following their deliberations the select committee removed the offending clause from the bill.

However during the committee of the whole house stage, Section 92A was reinstated.

In the parliament debate, National’s Christopher Finlayson explains their reasoning for reinstating Section 92A:

Christopher Finlayson: … The Minister [Judith Tizard] knows, and I certainly know, that we have all had approaches from various commercial entities, as a result of which the Minister has come up with a number of amendments. We will support those. The first makes some changes to new section 92A, and I need not go into that in any great detail. We support what is being done there. Essentially, it is putting back into place what had been there before the bill went to the select committee.

So that is “the process by which laws are made”. People and industry make submissions to a select committee, which agrees and removes the clause.

Then both the Labour government and the largest party in opposition, National, succumb to corporate lobbying and put the clause back in"

I note she follows the industry line of theft when the lawyers say it isn't - it is copyright infringement.

As an example of copyright infringement is that www.theyworkforyou.co.nz website note that the copyright picture below was used by TV3 in their news item about the new law without permission. Should TV3 be closed down?

20 February 2009

Internet Blackout - the idiot politicians strike again

The politicians are at it again.
Passing laws, the consequences of, they don't seem to have any clue about. Why they lack so much common sense is beyond the normal person. I believe part of the problem is that our debating chamber is not that - it is simply a cannon fodder place where members don't really look at a Bill and debate the options and issues.

They act so dumb at times I find it hard to believe that they are not hostage to some underhand lobbying in one form or another. However, I consider our politicians pretty honest (only one sitting member ever charged - and this is still before the Courts) so I can only assume it is stupidity.

Section 92a of the Copyright (New Technologies) Amendment Act is the current problem. It requires ISPs to implement a policy to disconnect customers who repeatedly violate copyright online.

No proof is required - just a claim and they can disconnect you.

The offending clause was removed by a select committee, but was re-inserted by the minister responsible for the bill, Judith Tizard, when Labour was in power. Why is the question. Was she 'got at' by somebody? Who knows. Only the Greens and Maori Party opposed it. Sounds like the Electoral Finance Act all over again.

Tizard got the boot in the last election and is no loss as I always thought she was one of the more incompetent Ministers.

Maybe she is not stupid. Extension of her ideas to the rest of our laws will save millions.

Just accuse somebody of speeding, robbery, assault etc. then they are guilty - no trial, no defence, no proof required - just guilty by accusation. Even Stalin had mock trials. We won't even need them.

The Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ) and the Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) naturally think the law OK. This is the same outfit that is a friend of their overseas compatriots who opposed the Pianola, VCRs, Ipods, etc.

But now some common sense is coming into the debate and some are having second thoughts. One Labour MP wants to introduce a Private Members Bill to delete the section. Then why the hell did they vote for it!!

Ohhhh... they didn't understand what they were voting for.

Opponents gathered on the steps of Parliament and handed over a petition to United Future leader Peter Dunne who called for the repeal of the law which he voted in favour of!!!

Some protesters carried black placards, referencing the "blackout" protest that has seen users of online media sites replace their own images with a black square. Well known UK actor Stephen Fry has done this in support.

“All of us who brought in this Act last year believed we were protecting artists from piracy and illegal downloads. However, it is now clear that we have a situation where internet users are vulnerable to the mere accusation of piracy, and that is simply neither fair nor just,” Dunne said. Wow - he's bright - now!

Are they thick or what? What did they think would happen.

To quote the Telecommunications Users Association

The adversaries in this are not the nice guys who play in the band at the local tavern. They are international copyright owners who constantly scan the Internet using robotic devices that generate vast numbers of allegations of infringement. Once S92A becomes effective, they will inevitably programme their devices to focus on domain names with “.nz” at the end, in response to S92A making this country the world's softest target for their campaigns. This will potentially swamp small ISPs, business IT departments, and managers generally with a torrent of allegations with no obvious means to dispute them.”

ISPs may have to close down sites even if the complaint is malicious - for example, as a way to censor. It will be interesting if somebody complains about a political party's site and it is closed down. Then again it wouldn't be missed.

18 February 2009

Words fail me

They do. Today's news gives the story of a Mr. Afu.
He killed at 14 (manslaughter) and since then he has assaulted a women and in doing so caused the death of her unborn child, assaulted a 3 year old etc, etc. He should be put away for 30 years.

Brawl at Hutt Valley high due to gang members going onto the property.

A Judges sentences a man to 16 months jail and bans him from driving for 12 months. He should be banned for 10 years.

A cyclist complains about treatment from the police when four times he broke the law in 15 minutes. The real problem is that TV3 News presented the item as if the Police were in the wrong and were surprised when 70% of the emails called the criminal an idiot.

The Auditor-General says the Corrections Department is basically a dangerous shambles. The trouble is he is not telling us something we don't already know - and have known for several years.

Words - English as she is spoke. Ghoti and Tchoghs = Fish and chips.
Fish: hg as in tough,o as in women,ti as in nation -this was devised by Geoege Bernard Shaw.
Tchoghs: tch as in match, o as in women, gh as in hiccough (this is an example I haven't seen before).

Have had a problem with a corrupt Word file and also the Laptop has reverted to it old settings. What is wrong with Microsoft that they can't get things right. The thing that amuses (frustrates) me is that a box will come up and it has the 'Don't show this again' ticked.
Madness and incompetent.

13 February 2009

Black Friday

Just realised as I opened up my Blog that it is Friday the 13th.

I decided to put in a piece about one of my many 'hobbyhorses' - copyright. The latest nut case again doesn't involve a nut case but a corporate. It seems Tick Tacks the small lolly thought that people might get their product mixed up with Tick Tock a British tea maker. And the nutty part is that the Assistant Commissioner of Trademarks agreed. The good news is that when they appealed a Judge thought it 'patently absurd' that anybody could mix a lolly with a packet of tea.

Another item I see is the reading of children's books in libraries. The publishers say it is a public performance and subject to copyright payment. I know if they had their way libraries would be banned. I don't think this would apply in Enzed as I think they have some dispensation from the copyright law.

And in their usual 'King Canute' thought patterns a new online music service has sparked the ire of record labels keen to maintain control over their intellectual property.

A paid subscription music streaming service wants to let consumers listen to music over the Net. The Guardian newspaper commentator says 'it is so good you wonder how you lived without it'.

The industry of course is not impressed and objects. What century is their business model in.

Maybe they should try to run an American car company.

12 February 2009

Sunday 12 February 1809 - an auspicious date

It was an auspicious Sunday that 12 February two hundred years ago
as born that day were two greats
Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln.

12 February 2009 - the 200th Anniversary of Darwin's birth.

Even Google has it on their Search Engine Logo. The Royal Mail (UK) has produced some stamps in his honour as pictured above. One shows the Galapagos Islands which we visited last year.

Sadly revealing, maybe in a Freudian way, is that the British have Darwin on their ten pound note while the Americans have 'In God We Trust' on their currency. The US motto was first put on their notes 1 October 1957 at the height of the 'Cold War' - Sputnik (science) was launched just three days later. In addition the British Mint has produced a new two Pound coin in recognition of one the ages greatest thinkers.
Also born that day was Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States of America

12 February 1809 – 15 April 1865
Again in a 2008 poll of historians rated
The greatest US President

Darwin was a fervent abolitionist and supporter of Lincoln and the North in their struggle.

The weekly quiz was last night and although only a team of three we were back to form, coming 3rd equal with a couple of other teams and (Joe) getting the Bonus again. Unfortunately there were less participants and three teams knew
(educated guess in our case) that St. Mathew is the Patron Saint of Tax Collectors for the bonus. So our winnings were only $57-00. But carrying on the Religious/Science theme, the Bonus was religious and we got 10 out of 10 for the science round in the Charity Quiz the night before. Science is not usually one of our strengths - religion even less so.

I am an evolutionist and would in many places, particularly in the US, be in the minority. However, I suppose education comes into it as a 2009 Gallup Poll in the US states -

There is a strong relationship between education and belief in Darwin's theory, as might be expected, ranging from 21% of those with high-school educations or less to 74% of those with postgraduate degrees.

I must be highly educated!!!

Friday the 13th tomorrow - and the Super 14 starts.

11 February 2009

Sevens and changes

The Sevens.

Some pictures from the day.

The Sevens in which our team came off "rather ignominiously' being beaten by England in the final. The rise of Kenya to make the semis was just great.

I was unable to watch the Saturday games as we had Kipp's birthday party in the afternoon and we went out for our 39th wedding anniversary in the evening.

To those of you who are awake - you will note a couple of changes.

A larger photo
of the handsome one is now in place and a clock has been added.

Hot and not so hot.

Hot - Australia. We have had a long hot spell of weather ourselves but the Australians have had a tragedy with close to 200 dead and still rising as the forest fires rage across Victoria. Meantime in Europe blizzard conditions with some of the worst winter weather for many years.

It is claimed that many of the Oz fires are due to arson. We will have to see, but I read that if so and if caught, they will be charged with murder. Good.

On the crime front the Government are changing the law to be able to take DNA from people charged with an imprisonable offense. If passed, this would enable the Police to search their DNA Database to see if they can find a match for somebody presumed to have broken the law. At present they cannot do so until they are convicted. So if they are found 'Not Guilty' of that particular crime they will not be found out if they left their DNA at the scene of a different crime. If the person is found not guilty or the charge doesn't proceed then the DNA is destroyed.

As usual I have no problem. As usual the Greens headed by Keith Locke do. On the Dom-Post site a poll shows 83% in favour. Why these people like the Greens favour the criminals is beyond most people.

My concern is that they correctly match the DNA.

Last Sunday we watched the David Dougherty TV drama of his wrongful conviction of the rape of an 11 year old girl. A conviction, due it would seem, to not giving all the evidence to the Jury (the girls family seeming to have some sort of grudge against Dogherty, who, it must be acknowledged was no angel) and with the DNA being read wrong as well as the CRown being bloody minded.

The film almost gave an impression that the DNA reading was done with some sort of agenda being followed but the QC who investigated the procedures thought it was an honest error.

Later after another two rapes the real culprit was caught.

Quiz - we attended a quiz raising funds for cancer. Came second to last. Then again you could buy answers which we didn't.

One good question was 'name the rock group who are all dead with one of them being assasinated?'

The answer was 'Mount Rushmore' which is of course where the four US Presidents have their faces carved. Clever.

07 February 2009

Saturday 7 February 2009

KIPP - two today. He likes Fire Engines so I sent him an email with this picture.

US - married 39 years

06 February 2009

Waitangi Day 6th February

Waitangi Day and the usual nuts at work (or rather not at work) - attacking the PM. Why do a certain group always want to use violence to achieve their aims. And they seem to use violence in their day to day affairs as well - almost a killing a week. I find it ironic that the Harawira's who were, in the past involved with the protests at Waitangi, are now the condemners of the violence.

The Wellington 7's are underway from today and we are struggling. It must have cost the TAB a fortune as NZ, Fiji, Argentina, Samoa have all been upset so far and as I type I am watching South Africa the favourites against Kenya - and Kenya have won!!!

Good grief!!

We must now beat Oz. Due to all the upsets if we lose we are out of the finals, if we win by 3 points or more we play South Africa but if we win by under 3 points we play Kenya. Unbelievable. After it is all over I will post some photos.

And while this is on, the cricket is also on and I am switching channels to keep up with it all.

Tomorrow is the 7th - funny that since today is the 6th. And that means Kipp is 2 years old - or young - and we celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary.

05 February 2009

The Courts "System"

System in inverted commas is the word. A man kills a Korean backpacker and gets 33 years - a couple torture a child to death over months and show no remorse (in fact seem proud of what they have done) and get 17 years.

The Curtis things (they are not human) which I wrote about on the 21 November last year (to read that click here ) got 17 years which is what the Prosecutor asked for. Why the hell she/he didn't ask for 50 years and let the Judge then work it downwards, I don't know. We all know if they had asked for 50 years, even if the Judge gave say 40 years, it would all go to Appeal and the Court would feel sorry for them as usual.

I am not a believer in the death penalty but maybe some of these scum should be offered a razor blade in jail and save us a lot of money by slashing their wrists. In this vein (pun) we have just heard that the samurai sword murderer, Dixon, has killed himself (although the method of death is still to be confirmed). No loss.

Meantime we have Victoria Stevens, mother of murder accused Hulio Ataria, shown here resisting arrest for contempt of court. As Ataria was led away, Stevens yelled, "Love you" and barked like a dog, a sign of Mongrel Mob support. When Judge Richard Watson ordered her arrest she yelled obscenities.

It then took four police officers to arrest her and she fought them and she even kicked open the doors as she was taken from the court.

This person is an invalid beneficiary.

It seems she is unable to work but can hold off four police officers and kick down a door.

Will the Government Department who are paying her now immediately investigate why she is classed as an 'invalid'. Of course not.

Not that she is employable anyway but why isn't she at least sweeping the streets. And if she won't she doesn't get paid.

On to happier matters - Rugby - I see that Denver and Tokyo are competing to get the All Blacks to play in their city. It seems unbelievable, but true, that they would make more money in Denver than in NZ or Australia. Our problem is simply population - we are too small.

03 February 2009

Miracle on the Hudson

This is a great picture. They have lifted the Airbus from the Hudson, removed the wings and are moving it through New York City.

Saw a site today that listed the cars usually driven by about 50 'celebrities'. Although 95% were Americans it was illuminating that about 90% of them didn't drive American cars. Mostly British (Aston Martins), German (BMW) and Prius. I thought it odd that David Beckham drives a Cadillac.

The day the music died 50 years ago <> 3 Feb 1959



I have written previously about the deaths of Buddy, Ritchie and the Big Bopper but it is now the 50th anniversary of that tragic day - 3 February 1959. The crash happened a few minutes after midnight on the 3rd. Also killed in that air crash was the pilot Roger Peterson who seems to have been forgotten.

I can't remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride,
But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died.

These words are from Don McLean's 1971 song, "American Pie."

They refer to the events of the night of 2-3 February 1959, when a plane crashed in a field near Clear Lake, Iowa, where earlier that evening there had been a performance featuring 22-year-old Buddy Holly, 28-year-old J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson and 17-year-old Ritchie Valens.

Many people are not aware that the
two of the women of the songs 'Peggy Sue' and 'Donna' are real and that they are still alive today. You Tube has a video interview of them when they were brought together and taken to the UK in remembrance of the 50th Anniversary.

I have put a song from each up on my music blog -
Soundsold - in memory.

For me, their music has never died.