08 August 2008

Olympics Start

The Olympics get underway tonight - 8 minutes past 8PM on the 8th of the 8th month 2008. Supposedly lucky but really just superstitious rubbish to this sceptic. They are not what the used to be with just professionals and drugs - oh for the (maybe) drugfree previous competitions with (so-called) amatuers. At least ours were amatuers.

Spoke at our Probus Club (Boulcott) today about SeniorNet. In the usual fashion of my Welsh talking heritage, I could have talked for 4-5 hours.

As I was typing the TV news was on and they were talking about using corn as bio-fuel and how the idea had driven up the price of food so it was not such a good idea after all. I read an article which said, why doesn't the USA use sugar cane, which is cheaper and produces more fuel per hectare. The answer was because the first primary of the US Presidential election is held in Iowa - a big corn growing area - so that means the price of corn would drop and $$ talks. No candidate could win the Primary if he/she suggested that they use sugar cane.