17 December 2007

When the brown stuff hits the fan

The inventor of a worm-driven composting toilet had to prove the worms were not traumatised or stressed by their task before Council bureaucrats would approve the system.
Invented as an alternative to septic tanks, an Auckland Regional Council staff member said they had to get an expert's report on the psychological impact on the worms after she became concerned during a site visit.

"She felt that the worms were being unfairly treated, being expected to deal with human faeces, and that it could affect them in a psychological way," said the inventor. "I said, `Well, what do I do about that?' and she said "you have to have someone with the necessary qualifications to say the worms are happy'."

The ARC was satisfied after a vermiculture consultant reported the worms were in excellent health.
The Senior consents officer for the ARC said their concerns were fair as " it did relate to a valid concern with stress on a proposed worm population from huge fluctuations in flows and thus feed for the worms"

Good Grief Charlie Brown what next - will they be around to check up and if they find the worms are unhappy will they have to go on stress leave!!

Meantime the same Council is happy for their staff to break the law as shown in this photo from the Herald showing a Parking Wardens car incorrectly parked while he was writing tickets.