20 December 2007

Electoral Finance Bill

The Bill has now gone through the House.
Interesting that Peter Dunne changed his mind at the last moment. As it happens I support the general principle of knowing who is funding our politicians and how much.
I wouldn't want us to go down the US path where they are open to pressure due to donated money. I don't really understand how the Americans can put up with the "system" they have which is so money driven it is obscene and un-democratic. Then again with an Electoral College that allows a person with less votes to become the President they have a lot to learn about Democracy. So many laws seemed to be passed there due to the influence of $$$$. Bill Clinton said their system would never be clean until they cleaned up the fund raising which most candidates seem to spend most of their time doing instead considering the real problems.

Basically, unless at least both major parties agree no really workable law can be passed as the Opposition will just reverse it when they get into power. The solution should have been a Royal Commision.
What will it look like for Labour if a couple of people are jailed just before the election due to contravention of the law. They will be dog tucker and the law will be shown up once again as an ass.