10 December 2010

In the Dom

From the Dom: The details about our win was in today's paper which has meant a few phone calls and emails.
Proves how many still get a paper. The scan of the announcement is above . I have edited out our surname although, I suppose, if somebody wanted to hunt up the paper they could track us if the wanted to expend the energy.

Other matters: What else has happened of late. Quiz has been no good lately; Xmas is coming closer day by day and it is busy; Max escaped the other day and cost Sarah $77 at the Pound; while she was chasing him I spoke to Kipp on the phone and couldn't get a word in edge-ways; Dexter is back on TV; the RSA are sourcing their Poppies from China to save $150,000.

Wikileaks: Is leaking. I am ambivalent - not keen on censorship but I don't think giving some ideas to the lunatics is a good idea. From what little I've read I think the US has come out of it reasonably well. Generally they mean well but seem to go about it in a stupid and often dangerous way.

They have many many problems not the least of is that they are not a democracy in regard to how they vote. Money is the key but importantly their Electoral College is not democratic plus with the system of electing two Senators from each state it means a few small States can stop legislation. Also in their Bills they do not have a single topic like the rest of the world which means they will attach items that have no relation to the topic so people vote against the bill. Madness.