24 December 2010

Almost Santa

Tomorrow is the BIG day out: With the Raffle having finished tonight the workload lessens a bit. It was a worthy winner who won this year - living in a State flat and a good person who Christine semi-knows as she lives near one of our daughters.

Just watched Bill Maher's 'Religious' film on the Rialto Channel. It was brilliant and proves that a sucker is born every minute. Interesting that until the 1850's the US Congress used to sit on Christmas Day as it wasn't a religious day or a holiday. I suppose this from a Church sign in Auckland sums it up.

Meantime both boys have caught a rash; Sarah's dog escaped, got picked up and put in the Pound where he picked up Kennel Cough that he has given to all her dogs and ours!! Grrrr.

ACC: National plan to privatise it again. This time they say they won't be going as far as they did last time.

Again the hard question is not asked - As compensation can last 30-50 or more years into the future what happens if the Insurance Company falls over like FAI did in Australia ?

Again we know the answer- the taxpayer will pick up the tab but won't be able to reclaim the profits made over the years as they will have been well gone. Once again it will be Privatise the Profits: Socialise the Losses!!

Telecom: I got a phone call from a woman whose English left a lot - and I mean a lot - to be desired. Also the connection echoed and it was almost impossible to hear let alone understand her. If I didn't know better I would have thought it was a scam. Anyway she asked me how my last communication with them went. I tried to tell her but she has a preset list which I didn't fit into so she hung up. They remain the worst large corporate in NZ.

BNZ logo: Just noticed the childish logo has been amended.

Before : After
Latest Version - better but still pretty bad