24 June 2007

I won, NZ won and NZ lost

I won - an HP Notebook computer. I entered a competition - my motto is "You've got to be in to win " - and a friend rang to say he had seen my name in the newspaper as winning a HP Laptop PC as displayed here.

I am not that unlucky although I enter and those who don't win don't enter!!

The All Blacks also won. A good game but not a good performace as far too many errors.

Team NZ - LOST. Doesn't bode well for the races to come but we shall see. At least we made the finals.

Sarah, Joe and Kipp back safely from Vanuatu. Lucky for them that the weather today was reasonable as they left 27-30 degrees behind. When picking them up I updated them on all the past weeks happenings except the winning of the PC for which I held my tongue as Christine didn't think I could. It is funny that I enter a lot of competitions and we were saying only this past week that we hadn't won anything for the past 8-9 months then we won film tickets, 2 days in a motel and visit to a winery and now the laptop.