28 February 2007

Upload problem

I put the previous upload within a folder and I think that may have caused the problem. So I have again uploaded Sukiyaki but not in a folder and will see if that works. The link is http://www.box.net/public/ztaov334s7 Kyu Sakamoto singing Sukiyaki.

Yes success!!

The beauty of blogging is that whenever you make a mistake you can go in later and edit it as if it never happened.

A CD winner and Go Large Broadband

CD Winner - Just been up to see our grandson and was driving into the garage and listening to one of my two favourite radio stations, The Coast, (the other being Radio NZ). They were playing Caribbean by Mitchell Torok - coincidentally one of the songs I have uploaded on this site.

I was just saying as we pulled in that they were playing a really great tune when they asked listeners to phone through with the name of the singer to win a CD.

Always in the past whenever I have rung it has been overloaded. However I thought I would have a go - rushed in, phoned up, got through - and won. I think the name probably defeated most people as it is not a well known song.

Have just uploaded a new song - Kyu Sakamoto singing Sukiyaki. I understand the name of the song has nothing to do with the words within it. It was just named that as they thought it would be easier to sell to the West. Which it did. Sadly Kyu died in an airplane crash. The link is

http://www.box.net/public/lv9oyybb9r but I have had problems uploading as it would not copy from Box.net and paste into Blogger so I put it into Word and then copied and pasted. But the link does not seem to have taken so will probably look at deleting it.

Go Large Broadband - I am to get some dollars back from Telecom as they fouled up (unbeknown to them they say!!!!) the Go Large Broadband plan I am on. Trying to upload to box.net has been a trial. The upload speed is so slow. Had a couple of Telecom people around the other day to discuss their "service" and I certainly told them of their shortcomings.

However, as with most monopolies, I do not expect any change.

24 February 2007

Another Kipp update photo

A really great picture. I think all babies look like wizened up champanzees at birth but it is amazing that with a few days how much they change and the human features start to truly develop.

21 February 2007

Kipp and the Macca-nificent Cricket

First, but not foremost, the Macca-nificent cricket. I have to admit neither Craig McMillan (and to a lesser degree Peter Fulton) were in my team but after the last couple of games I have to eat humble pie. Along with another Mac in McCullum and Shane Bond and the rest of the team they have certainly turned it around. I think we need to take into account that in game 3 we didn't play our front line attack and even against a depleted Oz this was an incredible win.

In my last post as the game was underway I said it didn't look good and we got up to win and to have a blackwash is almost unbeleivable. As for Oz, what a difference 2/3 players make. With Ponting etc back they will be tough in the West Indies.

Although I still think Oz must be favourites for the World Cup it has been a great team effort. My pick would be Oz to win but I hope it is us and if not Sri Lanka.

Now to the foremost issue - Kipp. A couple from today -

The right photo needs a bit of lightening up so I will get the expert (the boss) onto that.

Spent the morning with him and he will be weighed tthis afternoon and expected to be over 3000 grams as he is now feeding like a shark.

18 February 2007

More photos and sport

A couple of photos - Kipp and Rhett

Had a loan of him for about and hour and we carried out a photo-shoot. Well Christine did. Here he is - sound asleep at our place and already an anniversary - one week old.

Updating this as I watch the 2nd One-dayer against Australia. Not looking good. We probably caught them by surprise at the Stadium in Wellington the other night. Maybe they felt the cold!!

I hate the name of "the Cake-tin" for the Stadium. Probably only jealousy by others in that city north of Wellington.

Now for a picture from another photo shoot - Rhett. We have been taking him to Dog Training and he seems to be coming along quite well. Anyway, even if he isn't learning much, we certainly are!.

Rugby - one of my favourite subjects and a good game at the Stadium with the Hurricanes just pipping the Blues although one of our tries seemed a bit dubious.

11 February 2007

It worked

Well it worked OK so I can now load pictures as well as music. I don't know how long the files remain available at box.net and my hunting around at the site and through Google was not much help. It may be that the 1GB limit is the limiting factor and older files just need to be deleted. Anyway I will find out in due course.

Music music music. My tastes generally are popular music of the late 50's early 60's - which shows my age. However, I also have some oddities in my collection - eclectic is probably the word although others would probably say weird. So I have uploaded another of my favourites, Dick Lory singing Handsome Guy. The amazing thing about the internet is that this was just one of many songs that I thought I would never be able to obtain (listen to) again. But through the power of the internet was able to get a copy.

www.box.net/public/f8zt8edqcg Dick Lory singing Handsome Guy

Opened account at box.net

I have opened an account at www.box.net and will try to see if I can upload stuff to the site for others to download. Have sent an mp3 file of Mitchell Torok singing a song that is one of my favourites from many years ago called Caribbean. The theory is that if you click on the following link you can go to the file http://www.box.net/public/46zgmmpey6 and download it.

I will publish the post and see how it works - or otherwise.

08 February 2007

Its a boy !!! Its a boy !!!


Our first grandchild - Kipp - born at 8.55 on the morning of

Wednesday 7th February 2007.

Kipp weighed 2625 grams at birth which converts to around 5 lbs 12 ounces (I don't really understand metric weights). Not a giant but I am sure he will grow.

As it happened, it was our wedding anniversary, so it will be an easy date to remember. Exciting stuff for the whole family.

Sound asleep at 2 hours old ..............................

05 February 2007

Rhett our dog and the flag

Rhett in all his glory. Taken by a friend who has added a lovely border.

Waitangi Day tomorrow and I see that the Auckland City Council have agreed to fly the "Maori" flag. For what it is worth I favour a change to our present flag which I feel is "colonial cringe". However, I favour a black flag with a silver fern but if the Tino Rangatiratanga flag was adopted it wouldn't worry me. I just want to have a flag that represents us, not something from colonial times.

Rugby - underway again and the Hurricanes have had a poor start in a terrible game. But great to see the Samoans win at the 7's.

01 February 2007

Computer Thinking

Computer Thinking. This is the title of the graphic at the left. It is the first picture I have uploaded and have done it as a test. I made it on the LEFT and SMALL size to see how that works out. Computer thinking sums up what computers make you do which keeps your brain active and me young - at heart anyway.

Talking computers I see the new Vista system is now released but the hype and advertorials on TV and in the newspapers seems to be overkill.

Well now to publish this post and see how it all pans out . Here goes!!