01 February 2011

The final countdown

Countdown begins: Off to Vietnam on Saturday (the 5th). Haven't started packing yet but importantly we have got the Visa's. Also we had to get some photo's for the Visa's to Cambodia. The system is you get the Visa's as you cross the border - hopefully things will go OK.

Rugby: Super 15 will start while we are away. A new system this year with local derbies in a round robin then the top teams of the 3 countries play off. They say most people watch the local matchups - I must be odd as I like seeing us against Oz/Bok teams. Except maybe Wellington - Auckland.

Quiz: Came 3rd, then this is the last week for some time.

Egypt - Tunisia: Riots as the people try to overthrow the Government (really turf out the ratbags and replace them with new ratbags). In Tunisia he has gone but Mubarak is still hanging on in Egypt. A difficult one as he is a thug, but he is our, (the West's) thug. And the problem is that unlike us who vote reasonably intelligently they may 'democratically' elect a theocracy. Which will only take them back to the future.

Darwin: Still young (males) continue to kill themselves.

The tragedy is that they kill other innocent people and some of those involved are only injured, which cost us $$ when, from Darwins outlook and our taxpayer dollars, they would be better dead. In the latest effort, no seat belts, drunk and speeding. All the platitudes come out how great they were, (they were all going on to be PHD's!!) instead of saying they were idiots and deserved to die.

Just heard an item on the news how a pregnant woman at the supermarket who, when buying cigarettes, asked for a different packet as she didn't like the statement on the packet that smoking was dangerous for pregnant woman.

How dumb can you be!.

Listening to the radio and another good idea. Every time a breathalyser stop is in place the Police should ask to see every drivers licence. As we know 50% of those who are unable to produce one will have something else wrong - disqualified, on bail etc. But nothing like that will happen - the politicians are too soft and the 'do gooders' will go berserk.

(just lost a lot of typing - bloody Blogger - as usual its so called constant saving system didn't work - again. I tend not to trust it and try to save on a regular basis but even my save doesn't seem to have worked. Also it may fix itself but I notice the colour function is also not working. So I start again!!)

TV : Also just heard on the TV1 Breakfast program about a complaint that a presenter was using the term "railway station' when in NZ it should be a 'train station'.

As it turned out it is Railway in NZ (although they carried out a quick poll at the station and they all called it train and not railway - then again it was Auckland where American is spoken), railroad in US, train in Canada.

I am alway surprised how 90% of the TV news people have so little general knowledge. Also today they just commented that they didn't know all horses has the same birth date. Peter Williams (being older I guess) is the exception.

Camera: When in Wellington to get the Visa's she got a new camera.

The cats paws: Reading the letters in a local 'giveaway' I saw one from a Dr Cat Pause (with an acute above the S). Looked online and she is for real - at Massey Uni - Dr Caitlin Pause - although I see she is an American by birth!!

Internet: They are going mad in Canada as they are introducing Data Caps. They should live here. They complain as the were getting 250GB for C$31 and this has been cut to 25GB - really a gigantic increase in cost. However, we of course are much worse off. Again as here it is the monopolies (in Canada's case it seems it is Bell Canada) and gutless (or bought off) Governments.

Birthday: We celebrated Kipp's 4th and Monty' 2nd a bit early last Sunday as we will be in Vietman when they occur. Luckily the day was fine but windy. When she works out how to down the pictures from the new camera I will put them up. Probably on our return.

That is it I would guess until we return.