14 January 2011

Still Sunny and other matters of less importance

Sunny: Still nice and warm and sunny.

Not so sunny in Brisbane where it is a wet tragedy; a tragedy that is actually worse than the Christchurch earthquake.

USA: Nor is it sunny in the USA where the political rhetoric may have led to another shooting although it is pretty clear that the shooter is a madman.

But the real problem there is as usual, guns - or rather, the easy access to them.

I could go on forever but more Americans were killed by guns between 1979 and 1997 than died in all of America’s foreign wars since Independence. Around 30,000 people a year are killed in one way or another, murder, suicide, accident, by one of the almost 300 million guns in America—almost one for every man woman and child.

The tragedy is that gun control is moving in the wrong direction. The Clinton-era ban on assault weapons expired in 2004 and, to his discredit, Obama has done nothing to try to revive it. In 2008 the Supreme Court struck down Washington, DC’s ban on handguns, and in 2010 Chicago’s went the same way; others are bound to follow.

They are mad so I never have any sympathy for the killings. It serves them right.

Obama has been a real disappointment. How they can call him a 'socialist' is beyond me as he has just reverted to the usual recent US President type. I think he has been bought.

We watched Michael Moore's film 'Capitalism :A love story' the other night.

Moore must be taken with a great deal of scepticism, however he certainly brings up that America has more than its fair share of ratbags. What I can't understand is why the voters don't use their power to get rid of the idiots.

On a lighter note as part of the music in the film he had a Tony Babino singing the song of the workers, The Internationale. I thought it was a great version so tried to find it which I did on YouTube. The idiocy of the copyright 'system' is that it is not available if it is audio only but if accompanied by pictures it is.

This is further heightened when a n US Professor said the US Patent Office is so bad 'you could patent a stick'. Really thought one bloke. So he took up the challenge and succeeded. It was only when it came to light what he had done was the Patent cancelling. !!

They are a strange lot when they continually go back to what Washington or Jefferson would have thought or done. As if NASA cares what Isaac Newton would have thought. They were different times. We never think what Hobson would have thought - well most of us don't. A certain group continue to live in the past.

Children: The killing continues - and without any thought whatsover we know what group the killers come from.

MMP: I see the polls now have it neck and neck with FPP. I hope it strengthens. If we revert to the undemocratic FPP we then get what we deserve.

Pike River: The Police have announced they will not try to recover the bodies. Of course I believe when you are dead you are dead so it doesn't worry me in the least. In fact the opposite - why should the taxpayer continue to fund a lost cause. The Police Commissioner summed it up when he said we should concentrate on the living.

And as for all the help they are getting. The fund to help the families is now over $7 million.

Boys: Boys:
We will be having the boys tomorrow night.