13 June 2010

The Jab and other things

Flu Jab: As usual I put off getting the 'free' flu jab but as it happened Monty was booked in for his shots. So I arranged with Sarah to go with them and get mine. Over in a second for me but not for poor old Mont as he yelled a bit but he soon got over it.

Rugby: A bit of a farce when a red card meant Ireland were down to14 men and when it was followed a few minutes later by a yellow it was truly all over. The Southern Hemisphere has again proven to be superior (no matter what Stephen Jones of the London Times might think) with NZ winning, Oz beating England and the Boks putting the sword to France. The solitary win was Scotland over the Pumas - a good win as they are almost impossible to beat at home.

I think in the modern game where it is an entertainment and a Red Card means 90% of the time the game is over (although Ireland made a good fist of it after halftime scoring 4 tries) the system should be the player goes off but another player comes on in 10 minutes to give some semblance of a contest.

Politics: All the hoopla about the politicians ripping us off with their credit cards - items such as adult movies, bikes, golf clubs etc are beyond a joke and are they thick. It would seem yes. The good news I suppose is that on a world scale they are the most honest around. Even if they pay it back the rules are that they mustn't charge personal items.

Also some items must be put in context as some spending such as the Trade Minister in Peru and taking taxis to a conference are reasonable and within the job description. However, the way around it is to bulk fund them. National and ACT are keen on bulk funding schools so we should give the pollie's XX$ and they sort it all out, salaries, expenses, trips, perks etc themselves.

Fat chance.

Weather: Still wet but improving slowly. Still cold.

Busy: As usual flat out with SeniorNet Newsletter/AGM also speaking to Grey Power this week. As for Rotary the same with AGM, Balance Sheet time and own Tax time.