17 April 2010

Back home and visitors

Back Home: We are back home after the house sitting. Although just around the corner, so to speak, it is good to be home .

Visitors: Have had a couple of visitors staying with us, friends for 30 years, who are down from Te Awamutu. They have been traipsing around the South Island for the past 6 weeks or so but had to come to Wellington for a wedding before flying south again to continue their tour. They have about another 2-3weeks to go.

It has been great renewing the friendship. Unfortunately one of them had an Aunt die and one of their sons went into hospital (OK now thank heaven) so all their plans are up in the air.

Keep the coffee coming: This is a blog I go to that has a bit of music but is mainly about this woman's life. She is a great writer about her life and times of 30 or more years ago. And the music is of this time and as usual mostly not available to purchase or most people already have it. I went to read it the other day and it had gone. After a bit of hunting around I found she had opened a new blog. It was of course closed due to the 30- 50 years ago music that she was posting. Pathetic.