19 April 2010

SNHC and money

SeniorNet: We had a Regional Meeting last Friday which we organised. Another great day and all went well with about 35 attending. The Retirement Commissioner spoke as they are supporting SeniorNet. I thought it might have been a bit of a Ho Hum affair, but to the contrary. Very interesting and she received a lot of questions. I have diarised to see if she could be a speaker at our AGM.

Money: When we were at Sarahs I read in the Hutt News about a Business Expo being held at the Town Hall and that what I thought was $200 worth of advertising could be won.

As it was quiz night,
we called in on the way to Sarahs and I entered what turned out to be a $1000 of free advertising. I entered for SNHC and Christine for Rotary.

And SNHC won. Wow - got quite excited as it will certainly help. As for the Quiz - it was not a good night, but he got at least three answers wrong (he thinks Texas has more people than California - only out by 12 million!!). Useless.

17 April 2010

Back home and visitors

Back Home: We are back home after the house sitting. Although just around the corner, so to speak, it is good to be home .

Visitors: Have had a couple of visitors staying with us, friends for 30 years, who are down from Te Awamutu. They have been traipsing around the South Island for the past 6 weeks or so but had to come to Wellington for a wedding before flying south again to continue their tour. They have about another 2-3weeks to go.

It has been great renewing the friendship. Unfortunately one of them had an Aunt die and one of their sons went into hospital (OK now thank heaven) so all their plans are up in the air.

Keep the coffee coming: This is a blog I go to that has a bit of music but is mainly about this woman's life. She is a great writer about her life and times of 30 or more years ago. And the music is of this time and as usual mostly not available to purchase or most people already have it. I went to read it the other day and it had gone. After a bit of hunting around I found she had opened a new blog. It was of course closed due to the 30- 50 years ago music that she was posting. Pathetic.

10 April 2010

April Update

House sitting: We have been house sitting at Sarahs for the past week looking after the dogs and the students. One of her students, Kim from Germany, leaves in a couple of weeks when they get a guy from Vietnam.

Unfortunately we had a couple of plans for when we were there -going to the pictures and seeing the Shapeshifter display - but we forgot both. Probably a bit busy. Met Sarah etc in Wellington tonight and they arrive home tomorrow while Brian and Valerie head to Auckland by train before returning to the UK in a few days time.

Weather: Getting colder but still not much rain.

Quiz: Without Joe & Sarah we finished LAST. I couldn't believe it but we did poorly in the Bonus round and of course music. Even if they had been there I don't think we would have made the top 3 unless we had picked a different Bonus.

Positive: I see the great tennis star Martina Navaratilova has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The crazy thing is that when told they said that her results has been positive! She was relieved but the idiots meant that they were positive in showing that cancer was present.

Smoking: Why we allow our prisoners to smoke is a mystery. You can't smoke in hospital. I read that about 50% of all US prisons are smoke free. Probably here they use it as a controlling measure.

TV3 Breakfast Show: They have decided to can it. We always watch TV1 as we like the polarising figure of Paul Henry.

02 April 2010

The Anglo World

(The above graph is too big for the page so to get the details left click it)
In the Anglo World - 50 US states, Canadian/Australian States/territories/UK etc there are 80 of us. So where does Enzed fit.

Population in the middle - $ income per person 77 out of 80. And they don't all have mineral resources although most are close to large markets.


Housesitting: It is what we are doing as S,J,K and M are away for a week in the South Island. We of course have the two students and the 3 dogs plus Rhett. We are using the laptop and I have just checked the speed - 7.22 and .62. I will check ours when I get home but it is at least twice as fast at their place.

Sport: Well at least the Black Caps came second - they way they gave it away at times it could have been 3rd. The cyclists did well at the World Champs and last weekend we watched the Hurricanes. I wish we hadn't - terrible result - and the game was even worse.

Quiz: Still the champs - well almost. Came second this week but shared the Bonus so we have got $190 in two weeks.

Wiggles: We shouted Sarah Kipp and Monty to the Wiggles. She said it was great but he (Kipp)got a balloon but didn't want it tied to his wrist and of course it was soon (within 15 minutes) in the great blue beyond.

Still Mad: Drunk, boy racing so speeding and take off an innocents leg and get 11 moths home detention and loss of licence for 2 years. Should have been 5 years jail and loss of licence for 25 years. Why we don't hit them where it really hurts, in the licence, is crazy.