21 March 2010


Listening to Radio NZ during the week a couple of interesting stories came up.

Genome: They interviewed an American telling how a firm in the US has patented a Genome and therefore any disease associated with it requires a payment to them. In this case they won't accept the payment as that Insurance company does not deal with them. They remain lunatics.
I see their healthcare bill is about to come to the vote.

Stories: They also had a person saying how the old stories of their life which used to be put down in letters etc had disappeared. I think they overlooked blogging.
We all have interesting or humourous stories. I have already told my favourite about the dustbins and the Soviet Union so here are a couple for today -
I worked at a Bank Agency ( a small office that was basically a tellers only setup) and we had posters on the wall. In those days colour posters were expensive so they put special clips in the branch so that they clipped onto the wall and didn't become dog- eared. This meant they could be used over and over again.
Stapling or using drawing pins to attach them was a real No-No.
However, at the Agency we didn't have the special clips so we used drawing pins. One day a top executive from Head Office came in to cash a cheque and he saw the drawing pins. He almost had a heart attack, spitting out "drawing pins !! drawing pins !!'
The chap I worked with was from the West Coast and did everything in slow motion. He slowly walked out of his tellers box, went across to the wall and slowly studied all four corners of the poster, carefully looking at the pins.
He then turned to me and said " You know Wayne, he's right, they're drawing pins".
I of course just cracked up. They guy stormed out and naturally complained to our Boss. We got some of the clips with a few days.
The other one is when I went to the Waiheke Island Agency. We used to get the ferry (the Baroona) and usually got back to the mainland (Auckland) about 6 PM. We then had to take the money and put it a safe along with the 38 calibre revolver that we had as protection in those days.
I used to keep my revolver in my coat pocket but this day I forgot to leave it in the safe. When on the bus I felt something heavy in the coat pocket - having completely forgotten about the gun - I put my hand In my pocket and pulled it out. A couple of people looked at me as I hurriedly put it away. They didn't say a word and we all just continued on our journey.
Would have been a different story today.