25 March 2010


Circa: We are going to Circa to watch a play tonight - a freebie if we complete an online survey. This follows on from our attending the play about Darwin.

Healthcare USA style: Or should I say Soviet style. Now it has been passed into law half the population seems to think that a Communist state is just around the corner. One even said the state would now own every Americans body. Said it before and will say it again - they have more than their share of the loonies. Still they system they are adopting is crazy.

Quiz: Going well with us winning for the second week in a row and also sharing the bonus with two other teams which meant a $100 windfall. Valerie, Joe's mum knew the Bonus answer. Great stuff.

The down side is that the week before the Bonus was up to $500 and it went to one team. The question was What Australian State was named after William Lamb.? We said Launceston - he said it was Perth and the winning team were over the moon particularly as they do not normally come in the top 3. However - Angela mentioning it to an Australian at her work was told the answer was wrong and it was Melbourne.

Looking it up on the Net and it was Melbourne. We have mentioned it to the Quizmaster and told him we are not concerned as we had the wrong answer and we wouldn't have been concerned even if we had been right. The problem is that if one of the teams that said Melbourne finds out there could be trouble.

Anyway we will let sleeping dogs lie.