29 January 2010

Monty, uniforms and a couple of oddities

Monty : He is on the move as he has started to walk.

School Uniforms:
They are arguing about the cost of school uniforms on TV3. I am in favour of uniforms but don't understand why we don't have basically the same uniform throughout the country and just change the logo. Shades of the Nazi's I hear them say. Tough.

As for the cost - it is just a racket. They can only buy from one supplier and I don't think the Schools are even smart enough to get a cut from each sale.

Some USA oddities: Why do the say the date as May 5 except for their big celebration they say 4th of July like us??

Just reading that as they only have a Census every 10 years (and it is probably well short of the true population position) it means the re-distribution of the Congressional seats only takes place every 10 years. But worse,all they do is expand the size of the electorates - no new ones seem to be created.

In 1776 they had 57,000 people for every seat and now it is up to over 600,000. In Boulder, Colorado the population in 1950 was 20,000 and now it is nearly 100,000 but it still has 9 City Councillors??

This cartoon sums up the US and their attitude to the 'evil' of Socialism. They can't seem to understand that they have many institutions that are state owned including the big mortgage banks that they have had to bail out, Freddy Mac and Fannie May, the Tennessee Valley Authority their largest power producer as well as many other organisations including liquor outlets. Odd is the word.