13 January 2010

Actually only a half back

PC off again: Went online this morning and for the first hour everything was OK. Then when I tried to go online later nothing!!

Laptop hasn't been able to connect most of yesterday but I wasn't concerned as it would come online at times. Then it went off permanently. So both were offline. Did the usual pull the plug but no use.

As a last resort phoned Telecom. The guy. who from the discussion in the background. would have been in the Philippines, was quite good - at least his English was understandable.

After about an hour he managed to get the Laptop online but he thought with the updated Modem there was a problem with the Ethernet Driver for the desktop. So will have to get Joe to look at that.

Why is it always that something that is touted as new and improved is always (well at least 90% of the time) more expensive and worse. Why can't they leave it alone if it is working? As they say - if it ain't broke don't fix it!!! Of course they say it will be better but I have found thisto be rare.
As we have found out with the new modem. It will be faster they say; but is certainly doesn't seem to be. And again all the problems.

Simple: Which brings me to simple. Why do they (they usually being the heads of the company's or politicians) want complex answers instead of simple ones.

Why don't we make it compulsory to have both car and house insurance? Only 98% in a recent poll wanted compulsory car insurance!! But the politicians prevaricate.

Why can't we get ownership papers to a car.

Why don't they raise the drivers age? Most polls show that 18 is favoured as a minimum. The Government are talking about 17. But we all know (and have known for 20 years) that 15 is far too low.
They are complaining about overseas visitors crossing onto the wrong side of the road. Again simple. In Britain, outside the city's, the middle line on the road every few K's has a series of arrows pointing left to remind you what side of the road you should be on.

Save petrol. Simple let us turn left (as the Yanks turn right) against a red traffic light treating it as a Stop sign. Up the road from us, as we now shouldn't - but do - go across the Pedestrian crossing while somebody is on any part of it (not halfway as previously) we can get held up through two or three rotations of the lights as people cross. Madness. So we just break the law.

We need to know who has what guns - not just who has a licence. We changed our system from that to the present nutty one. The other day a guy in Auckland had his house raided (for reasons not connected with guns) and they found he had 70 weapons. But he had a licence so nothing illegal.
There are probably a dozen other simple ideas but............

An Ozzie has ripped a lot of firms and people off and even after having lost Court cases and Disputes Tribunal hearings he just leaves the country. We could stop him if it was personal but as Company debt we can't. Why not - just change the law so that Directors can't do a runner!!

Quiz: We think it starts again tonight so we will go and have a meal and see. Part of our team, Brian and Jeanette, have just become grandparents, so are down South.