19 September 2009


Housesitting: Should that be one word or two?? I've settled on one. We are at Sarahs and everything is working out OK although I visit our place most days to collect mail, watch the Rugby etc. (Wellington lost again - and played badly again - Taranaki and now Waikato!!)
Went to start the car and it was completely dead. Got the AA out and it turned out that the boot wasn't properly closed and the boot light had run down the battery.

Skype: Spoke to the team in the UK by Skype just after they had arrived. Incredible - all free - who pays??

Nutty Yanks: Still following the Health debate in the US.

It has spread to calling Obama a Nazi/Communist/Socialist/Muslim/Dictator and claims he is not American born. Everything but a black man, which I think is the main problem - and a smart black man.

Some of the interviews with these nut cases has to be seen to be believed. When interviewed and the facts are pointed out they just don't believe it. One example was about the appointment of a Czar (a title coined by the press to a Presidential Adviser in a particular area such as Drugs). They didn't realise that Reagan had done it first and thought that Czars were Communists and when told the Communists had killed the Czars they just shook their heads saying "Not true"!!!

The stupid thing is that many of the poor who would be helped by a Public Health system don't understand it and rail against it. They are just being conned.

One excellent You Tube piece was a mock protest of "Billionaires for wealthcare" going around the crowds thanking them for making them billionaires. But I think the irony was lost on most of them.

Funny enough I don't think our 'Socialist' health system goes far enough. It should (as in the UK) cover dental and mabe optometrical and a greater subsidy of Doctors visits. Our problem is that we can't afford to do it.

Other Protests: In Samoa they are changing from driving on the right to the left so they can import cheaper cars from Japan and NZ. Many are unhappy but I don't think they have much traffic gridlock in Samoa.

PP and M: Mary Travers of Peter Paul and Mary died aged 72.

Rugby: AB's tonight and again the team selection defeats me. Sad news to read that ex AB Captain and President of the Rugby Union Jock Hobbs has cancer.

Quiz: Not doing too bad without Joe. Came 3rd this week and only a couple of points in it but the bad news is that she has said we have to pay $4-00 to enter instead of the $2-00. However, with our being in the winning frames most weeks that is not too bad.