07 May 2009


Weather: After a couple of days of rain, cold and thunder it has now turned out great. Hope it is fine for the Rugby on Saturday night.

Quiz: Back into quiz mode after a break due to the  birth of Monty. We chase the name Hamdemic - a play on the swine flu outbreak. 

 On the night she had a lot of very difficult (almost impossible questions) that she gave options for so it descended into a guessing game. Also she had two or three wrong. Not having been for several weeks we didn't know until we arrived that the Bonus was up to over $500 and that it had to go that night as it was getting too large. It was another guess answer which Joe guessed correctly but changed his answer on Sarah's say so!!! Grrrr. 

At what age did Michelangelo start work on his statue of David = 26. The winning team admitted they guessed. Grrr.

The two students who S & J have with them, came on the night, and I could see they were becoming more interested as the team names for the nights winners were read out. We came second so they now know there not with a team of 'bunnies'.

Gangs: One policeman dead and more tragedy to come on the day after Parliament passed a law banning gang regalia in Wanganui. 

Meantime Maori Party Co-Leader Tariana Turia says gangs are being persecuted like the Jews in WW II. 

Words fail me.