16 October 2008

The candidates meeting and some more musings

Went to a candidates meeting yesterday organised by Grey Power. It was a split attendance between those standing for our electorate and a nearby one. The Labour, NZ First and United candidates were on top of it, but the National, ACT and Greens were not very good. However, attending the meetings and the leaders debates I don't think really changes ones mind.

At least unlike the Leaders Debate it wasn't a shouting match.

Ron Mark of NZ First was the standout and it is a pity he is not standing in our Electorate. A very impressive man who exudes common sense.

Have almost made up my mind now for the Party Vote. It is frustrating that each of the major parties has moments of stupidity. National now wanting to tell the Super Fund where to invest (they are supposed to be the "Free Enterprise Party") and Labour stuffing up the Government Guarantees to the finance sector.

On to something more important - the weekly quiz, We returned from our trip to find a new quiz master and system, with the music section dropped out. We always thought this was unfair as it was a double round - a point each for the song and the artist - and the music was always very modern, so any oldies didn't have a clue. Now it is out the groups who previously always won are not.

And they do not seem happy as they question some of the answers. But we have come third two weeks running so we are happy. Plus we believe, it is fairer as it is now biased towards good general knowledge. Last night we got zero from one round but still picked up enough points from the other sections to come 3rd and we also split with two other teams the Jackpot Question.

Final Presidential Debate today. We need to adopt the American system for our debates with some tweaking so that some followup is allowed.