30 October 2008

Almost Halloween

Yes it is tomorrow. We have some lollies for any that come knocking as this American habit takes hold.

Below are some more pictures from South America.

This is the religious festival at Cuzco.

This is the Chivas Express - a bus-train that we went on. I wrapped up in a poncho and travelled on top.
A beautiful mountain photo.

Up at about 3800 metres at a dissused train station.

Me at a food market.

Christine after her deep water snorkelling experience.

Some lizards at the Galapogas Islands.

Nothing much happening except we came back to the financial meltdown (the Credit Crunch) and a pile of paper that I am slowly working through. The Government guaranteeing the deposits of the Banks I agree with, but extending it to the Finance Companies has had a distorting effect.
As they saw the flight of funds from the Banks to the higher interest rate paying, but much weaker Finance Companies, they then had to amend the rules. Even so they have now had the side effect of weakening the Morgage Companies (AXA, Tower, ING) who have had to freeze their funds. I also read that they are agreeing to gurantee the interest. Crazy.
The guarantee should only apply to the Banks and they should strengthen the oversight and rules around Finance Companies.
On the computer front Telecom phoned and said they would give me a new, improved modem - for free - as long as we stayed with them for the next 2 years. As usual, I was concerned that it would cause more problems - but assured no - I agreed. As usual it did.
The CD wouldn't load up so after a couple of hours phoned them and told as I was on Broadband I shouldn't put the CD in. Then told, again contrary to the instructions, to install the Modem next. To cut a long story short they couldn't get a link between the Laptop and the Desktop. Having a person at the other end who didn't speak NZ English didn't help. So it has been returned.

Had to go to a SeniorNet meeting last night so couldn't attend the Quiz but they won the Bonus Question ($100). Damn!!.

The election is degenerating into sleaze with Labour trying to get at Key but I think it is backfiring. I answered an online quiz at Pundit.co.nz which supposedly gave me who I should be voting for.

I came out Labour (69%), Progressives then NZ First. I also answered the USA one and came out for Obama at 89%. That doesn't surprise me but the NZ result must be skewed. The USA quiz was much more in depth.
The debate between the minor parties was much better as Mark Sainsbury didn't just let them talk over the top of each other. They were all pretty even but I thought Winston was slightly ahead.
We now look forward to the real thing in both countries - US and NZ.