17 May 2008

Bledisloe Cup and a loss

Went to the local Plunket today as they were having a fund raiser to have your picture taken with the Bledisloe Cup. We of course took Kipp down, but the photos were a bit dark.
Christine is going to try and lighten them.

After the photo shoot we went to play in the park by the Plunket for a while. Kipp loves the swing - probably because he doesn't have to do anything, while the slide etc take some effort. Funny how in the swing he doesn't smile and seems unhappy, but take him out and a stamping of the feet takes place.

Joe etc came around last night to watch the Hurricanes - Blues. The penalty that won the game for the Blues came from what the NZ Herald called a 'mysterious' ruling when the Ref overruled the touch judge (sorry - Assistant Referee!!) who was closer to the alleged offence. So now it is in the hands of the other games in Australia and South Africa tonight.

Found a site which backs up Blogs for free - Blog Backup Online - so have registered this effort and the SeniorNet one. I suppose we can only find out if something goes wrong.

Todays photo shoot with some better (enhanced) ones from the Cup shoot to come, I hope.