25 November 2007

A ruddy good job

The Oz election has been a resounding win to Labor (spelt the American way) but although they have a large seats number win the percentage difference between Labor and the Liberals/National coalition is only a couple of points. Typical of the De Facto First Past the Post system they run.

Sounds like a ruddy good job that "Honest John" Howard has gone.

It would have been interesting had Howard quit say 12 months ago and Costello had been the opponent as I think Howards day had passed but as usual he couldn't see it. Nearly 12 years as PM in a Democracy is a very long time.

Anyway here are some much better pictures- with a much better looking fellow as well!!

Top left was taken when we had him for the day when Mum and Dad went to the Martinborough Wine Festival and we went down to the stream to feed the ducks.