10 July 2007

Forty Years On - Decimal Currency 10 July 1967

Forty years on - I can remember it like yesterday. The Bank had just starting moving transactions to computers - a big mainframe - and the main centres had been converted so it was easy for us in Wellington. We were supposed to work the weekend and all Banks were closed for another couple of days to carry out the massive task of converting all records, cheques, cash etc. Thanks to the computer the conversion was easy. So we were able to take a couple of extra days holiday while those who had to do it all manually - mainly in the smaller branches - worked on.
Just heard on Radio NZ that petrol was 8 cents per litre and a pint (a what!!) of milk 4 cents in 1967.
The laptop saga. Hadn't heard anything so rang the Dom and they said they would get back to us which they did. They were surprised so had made contact with the supplier who later phoned from Sydney. It seems it is the fridge saga as explained in the previous blog and it is stilll a couple of weeks away - !!! However, can't complain I suppose as it is for free but you would have thought it would have been ready.