13 July 2007

Black Friday

BLACK FRIDAY - Friday the 13 July 2007
Black Friday but had a quiet day and didn't do much. Went to Probus in the morning, tidied up a few personal and Rotary matters (always seems to be some filing to be done) and watched a Korean crime film which was quite good. Unlike the average American hack the killer is never found.
Talking about - or rather typing about - films - we went and saw Pierpoint the other night and enjoyed it. Timothy Spall was excellent. Pierpoint was the last British hangman (carried out 608 executions including at least one innocent in Timothy Evans) and it was interesting that he came out against capital punishment after he resigned. Although I sometimes think they should be shot or something I don't think anybody who thinks it through could favour capital punishment.
Sent an email this week to Radio NZ re Kiwisaver which they read out. The problem with the organisation of the scheme is again with the politicians who changed the details at the last minute. Until this week was unable to find out on the various websites how a person could join if they were not working.

Counting down to our trip and Rhett is counting the days till he goes into the kennels. They had a news item on TV last night about the security measures at airports. They seem to have gone overboard but I suppose if it has to be it has to be. Weather has continued to be lousy but of course not as bad as in the North.