16 October 2011

Where to start?

I suppose at the beginning.

Hospital: I have never stayed in hospital since the day I was born. Last Sunday I wasn't feeling too good so I went and lay on the bed and watched the Rugby. Still no good with pains in my right side I struggled through the night; the pain was so great I couldn't sleep.

Next morning Christine phoned the hospital before the Doctors Surgery
opened. Their initial take was gallstones. Went to the doctor who saw me and at a loss to explain the pain sent me off for a blood test and an Xray. The Xray revealed some lung infection and maybe the start of pneumonia so I was put on antibiotics and pain relief.

That night I was worse and got no sleep and as it was better stan
ding than laying down I tried to sleep (but didn't) in the Laze-E-Boy.

Again into the Doc (a different one) and he said book in for an ultrasound which we did but couldn't get one until next Monday (17th).

Again a real struggle through the night with no sleep and so back to the Doctor.
She was still at a loss as with Gallstones should be pain when the stomach was pushed, After carrying out an ECG to check the heart (which was OK) she said I should go the Hospital.

Typical of our system easy to book in; then more prodding,poking, blood tests, blood pressure taking etc and as they also couldn't home in on the problem they then gave me a MRI scan.

Wow - talk about Star Trek.

This was about 5 PM and they said I would have to stay in overnight at least while they carried out the analysis of the scan etc. They then came back with the answer (isn't science and technology wonderful).

Blood clots from the leg (where I had been having pains but just thought it was varicose veins) had settled in my right lung.

So a couple of nights in Hutt Hospital, pills/blood tests.blood pressure/injections galore then I was allowed out Friday night (just in time for the Rugby). In the usual of Hospitals they check everything so found a couple of other small problems caused by my blood pressure pills (low Potassium). I also now have to wear compression socks for my veins.

I can't speak highly enough of Hutt Hopspital and its staff - they were all superb. I also think our healthcare sytem is terrific - God knows what it would be like in the USA.
It may have problems with delays etc but for the $ we spend we certainly get value for money.

Pills: Luckily the boss is an ex-nurse as I have to have a daily injection on top of the 20 pills and I have to have a bood test every coupople of days while they try and work out the dosages I require. Plus a booklet has been supplied to record everything.

The good news is they know the problem and it seems to be coming right as the pain is much more manageable.

Meanwhile the world carries on without me.

Rugby: Watched France - Wales. A Yellow card would have been OK but I come back to my idea (for which SKY awarded me the email of the week and a prize) - a Red card you stay off but after 10 minutes another player comes on.

France were awful and the better team lost.

Now to tonight and the "final".

I want to write about the shipwreck in Tauranga but another time as pretty tired.