07 March 2009

A good Friday

It was a good Friday as I took part in helping Rotary raise funds for our local Hospice, Te Omanga, through a Golf tournament. I didn't take part in the golf, not being a golfer, but assisted on the treasurers side. Incredibly we raised $10,000 which was the same as last year. With all the doom and gloom about we had visions that we would struggle, but it all turned out well.

Luckily the weather held up and we only got a little of the rain that spoilt the Black Caps versus India game - well, spoilt it for India as they were on their way to a massive total.

As for the attack on the Sri Lankans cricketers what can one say. We don't know yet who carried out the attack but I gain the impression that it was the usual fundamentalist Islamics rather than the Tamil Tigers. It also gave an impression that some in the security forces were aiding the terrorists.

Read an interesting line the other day that an American thought all the cameras in London were the result of 9/11, until it was pointed out that was to track attacks by the IRA. The comment ended with
' that was when Americans supported terrorism - now they seem to have changed their tune'

On the day of the attack I watched the CBS news from America to see how much importance they gave to the tragedy and it was about the 10th item, all of about 15 words!! There is also tragedy in Zimbabwe where the 'Prime Minister' (really the leader of the Opposition who should be the leader of the country) Morgan Tsvangirai's wife has been killed in a traffic accident.

Hmmmm... coming from Zimbabwe the immediate thought is, that was no accident, but it seems as if it really was an accident.