13 November 2008

Audie Murphy

Listening to Radio NZ today and they had a piece on America's most decorated combat soldier of WW II - Audie Murphy. I knew of his background and also saw the film of his life story - To Hell and Back - many years ago but what grabbed my attention was that as well as an actor he was a best selling song writer. Looking it up on Google I found he co-wrote the C & W hit "Shutters and Boards".

In June 1942, shortly after his 16th birthday (his sister adjusted his birth date so he appeared to be 18 and legally allowed to enlist) Murphy was accepted into the US Army . He was turned down by the the Marines and Paratroopers for being too short (5'5"/1.65 m) and of slight build.

But once in action he was incredible. He spent 29 months overseas and just under two years in combat with the 3rd Infantry Division, all before he turned 21 winning the following medals-

List of Decorations

Medal of Honor
Distinguished Service Cross
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Silver Star (with oak leaf cluster)
Legion of Merit
Valor device
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze Star (with oak leaf cluster and V device)
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Purple Heart (with two oak leaf clusters)

U.S. Army Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, U.S. Army Good Conduct Medal, Presidential Unit Citation (with First Oak Leaf Cluster), American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (with One Silver Star, Four Bronze Service Stars (representing nine campaigns) and one Bronze Arrowhead (representing assault landing at Sicily and Southern France)), World War II Victory Medal, Army of Occupation Medal (with Germany Clasp), Armed Forces Reserve Medal, French Fourragere in Colors of the Croix de Guerre, French Legion of Honor - Grade of Chevalier, French Croix de Guerre (with Silver Star), French Croix de Guerre (with Palm), Medal of Liberated France, Belgian Croix de Guerre (with 1940 Palm).

Additionally, Murphy was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, Marksman Badge with Rifle Bar, and Expert Badge with Bayonet Bar.

I never realised that he was a song writer. You learn something new everyday.

Quiz - lousy result last night. We have been joined by two of Sarah & Joe's friends for the last couple of weeks but even then we had a dismal showing - about 11th out of 15.