15 July 2008

Life is a Veitch

Tony Veitch is all over the news having 'lashed out' at his ex-partner. People who say he just should be sacked, just don't understand how difficult that could prove as it could lead to unfair dismissal claims. It all depends on what his contract says.

I heard a Public Relations woman on National Radio analysing his statement. From memory a couple of points she said - retain control and make out you are the good and generous person - so he said ' I agreed to let her come around to my house', ' I allowed her' etc.

Instead of the word 'but', which can sound harsh, say instead 'except to say' For example 'I have no excuses, except to say...'

Don't say 'I hit her' say 'I lashed out'.

On the other hand if she had laid a complaint with the Police she would have got nothing. At least she hit him in the pocket and it has now all come out anyway.

On the power front the Government seem to have been lucky and it looks as if no cuts are to come. But the real question is - will we do anything to cover our position for the future. Of course not.

Money Money Money :Have been thinking about our investments and emailed some questions to the Sunday Times Money Panel. They took the time out to phone me with some advice which was appreciated. They basically agreed with my own thoughts to get out of the BNZ Management and do it myself even though things are at a low.

The SeniorNet AGM is tomorrow; so it will be all go. Also on the computer theme the Botherder got let off.

From todays news :
" A young Whitianga computer hacker walked free from court today after a judge said a conviction would have harmed his prospects. he was ordered to pay $9526 in reparations for damage caused to the University of Pennsylvania and $5000 in costs.

He was allegedly the mastermind of a "botnet" coding group said to have infected a million computers and caused millions of dollars of damage.

According to police, Walker - known on-line as "Akill" - received just under $40,000 for his part in the attacks, which included a global adware scheme and the collapse of a computer server at the University of Pennsylvania.

Lets get this straight : You cause millions of dollars of damage, you get paid $40,000, you get fined around $15,000, you get no conviction as it may harm your job prospects.

Why worry about a job when you can make $25,000 ($40,00 less costs (fines) $15,000) and you don't have a conviction. Who said crimes doesn't pay. I see the Police computer chief Maarten Klientjes said they were surprised as he said would the rest of the world. In the US of course he would be away for years.
Back to the quiz.


This is a scan of our sheet on the night. It shows our Team Name "Buzz". (We tend to change our name each week and that night we called ourselves Buzz after Buzz Lightyear.)

The scan shows our scores on the left side
and our score of 3 for Kiwi Trivia. Because of that Sarah wrote 'OUR SHAME' on top and said we should call ourselves that next week. Then of course we answered the Jackpot Question - the winnings of $320 is written on the sheet - and then we came 3rd overall!!!

Another group mentioned they had only got 2 for Kiwi Trivia which was geared towards questions asking for specific dates, so it was really a guessing game.