19 June 2008

Quiz and more

Godd news and bad new. Went to our weekly quiz and came into the money this week by coming 2nd. Only $30-00 amongst four of us but there was a downside. They have a jackpot bonus which this week was $400-00. He gave us various clues and we heard him say the person was living. He said later that he actually said he was living in America so although we knew the answer we missed out on the $$$$. Speaking to about 7 - 8 other groups thay also heard the same as us. So we were a bit annoyed.

Just a few updates - Got our final checks at the Travel Doctor for our South American trip later in the year this morning. Have to make the final payment tomorrow. AJ has had car problems so she has got our car and we have the loner they lent her. I am on Jury Service next week and we get Kipp to stay with us this weekend.

So all go!!!!