24 June 2008

Jury Duty

Have not updated as I have been on Jury Duty. I could have got out on the grounds of age but thought I better do my Civic Duty!!

Amazing, 4th time called up but for various reasons could not attend two of the call ups but on both occasions I have attended I have quickly been selected and never challenged. The first trial I took part in a few years ago was a pretty straight forward "Guilty" case of a drug dealer, although we wasted some 2 hours trying to convict him because 3 held out.

One was on the grounds of logic - so he was easily dealt with but the other two had emotional reasons. One said I don't want to convict as 'there are too many Maori in jail now" and the other claimed " the Police must of planted the evidence". So we wasted some time in bringing them around. Also I remember one person who I don't think spoke much English as she never said a word but as she voted with the majority it didn't really matter. As per usual, later we find out he had a string of convictions.

The same applied to the current trial as for the first I took part in, we all wondered why some witnesses are never called and some questions never asked. People who seem to be crucial are not interviewed nor called. The Judge mentioned that we would wonder this but to ignore it and only work off the evidence placed before us. Weird.

The current case was a rape trial but it didn't involve violence as such. However, it was very complex case but luckily my fellow Jurors were all an extremely competent, sensible and intelligent group. It took us some 4 hours of really hard word to arrive at a unanimous verdict. We had 3 charges and found him not guilty on two and guilty on one.

Being rape it discussed some very intimate details. One of the members said "we are discussing matters and using terms that I wouldn't like to say to my grandmother" which got the response from another "nor my children" and a third chipped in "or my husband". However, we got there.

21 June 2008

21 Years ago

21 years ago - well yesterday the 20th June 1987 actually. We won the World Cup.
And since then - nothing, zilch, less than one.!! Well it must happen again - maybe at home in 2011.

Meantime England tonight. They will be better, I assume, and we have mucked about with our team - rotation ?? Who knows.
As for England, with a the rape allegations being investigated, although there is no complainant seems odd, it must be frustrating.

As for the cricket. Called off one over short due to rain when they wasted 30 minutes having lunch when that had already had a meal as the game started after lunch was a farce. The ICC have now changed the rules, but a bit late for us.

On the home front it is murders as usual - although they will probably be charged with manslaughter. Good news is that all bar one have had arrests. Michael Laws on his radio show said we have between 40 -60 murders a year with the peak being a few years ago at 68.

Power saving is supposed to be going on but looking around the Valley yesterday there was not much sign of that and TV3 showed what few steps have been taken by the business world with lights on and advertising all ablaze. Government Departments seemed to be doing their best.

Here is Kipp with me at the park by the library. That day a woman had two dogs and when Sarah mentioned they were not allowed in a children's p
ark she got all upset. Seemed to think Sarah was anti-dog; with 3 of her own!! The woman just doesn't realise how they can still be dangerous and that is why the by-law is in place. Several years ago I did the Census and we had to attend a training session on dogs where they were explained as "the wolf in your kitchen"

A Plane!!!

19 June 2008

Quiz and more

Godd news and bad new. Went to our weekly quiz and came into the money this week by coming 2nd. Only $30-00 amongst four of us but there was a downside. They have a jackpot bonus which this week was $400-00. He gave us various clues and we heard him say the person was living. He said later that he actually said he was living in America so although we knew the answer we missed out on the $$$$. Speaking to about 7 - 8 other groups thay also heard the same as us. So we were a bit annoyed.

Just a few updates - Got our final checks at the Travel Doctor for our South American trip later in the year this morning. Have to make the final payment tomorrow. AJ has had car problems so she has got our car and we have the loner they lent her. I am on Jury Service next week and we get Kipp to stay with us this weekend.

So all go!!!!

12 June 2008

A look alike

SeniorNet - The bad news was the resignation of Louisa our Secretary . She has been a tower of strength over the past 7 years. She will be difficult to replace as she was so committed.

The US Presidential Election - This now enters the final countdown - Obama - McCain.

I believe the Vice Presidential choices will be quite vital this time. Obama will have to offset any racial conotations and bring in the Clinton supporters while McCain has an age problem as he will be the oldest President ever if he is elected. Strange that Obama is the son of a white woman and black man but he isn't called white but black. ??

I suppose it is the colour that has come through most in the genes that makes this distinction as he is darker rather than lighter.

Right - guessing time. Who are these people. Hint think actor and comedian.

At the top is actor/comedian Steve Martin.

The bottom picture is John McCain returning from his captivity in Vietnam.

Are they the same person??

Will the US have another actor as President.

A sign of the times ??

I see that people are complaining about the cost of dairy products. They can't see that if they were cheaper we would be even worse off.

Luckily the $$$ we have received from dairying have more than offset the extra cost of oil. Thank heaven for that.

A young man at Waikanae Beach. This is a great photo.

05 June 2008


The USA is a strange place.

A Democracy that has some un-democratic quirks.
Because they don't have a proportional system - only them and the UK left?? - they can get people elected with a minority of votes.
Obama is now said to have less popular votes than Hillary.
GW Bush won the 2000 election on a minority. Crazy!!
And some idiots here want to go back to that type of 'democracy'. Crazy!!

Then again we have seats allocated on a racial basis. Crazy!!

The US is probably one of the most open as regards censorship, yet also one of the worst at having open speech hindered by 'big money' corporations and the fundamentalist right.

A great video on the Internet of a TV station interviewing the Head of PR saying there is no ban on taking pictures at Union Railway Station. While the filming is taking place they are interrupted by a security guard, telling them they must stop filming, as they are not allowed to take photos!!

The loo
k on the guy being interviewed just being made out as a liar is priceless. Especially as they had applied and got written clearance - clearance as they point out, the guy being interviewed says is not required!!

Talk about the left hand and right hand. They could never find out what the rules were after several attempts. A real contradiction.

Yet, as I like to say after a few visits there - I have yet to meet an American I didn't like.

But will we ever visit again? They ar
e now to introduce a policy that Visa free tourists must log their details online at least 3 days before they visit. Nobody will ever want to go there at this rate. And how long before the site is hacked? Of course getting a Visa is more difficult and very expensive as we have to go to Auckland for a face to face interview.

Obama - he is claiming victory, but it has been his for weeks.
She just couldn't (and at today still can't concede) overcome her own sense of ego for the benefit of their Party.

04 June 2008


A picture summing up Politicians. It is the photo of an Aucklamd septic tank cleaning company's truck. Yet on a world scale our politicians are amongst the best.

On TV tonight I see Robert Mugabe blaming little ol' us - NZ - as one of the countries that is sending his place into hell. If only we had that sort of power and influence.

As for updating the Blog - this sums it up.

02 June 2008

Queens Birthday

A holiday - hooooray. Well not really when you don't have to go to work. We have a new Governor Generals flag to celebrate this years Queens Birthday.

The previous one was designed in 1931 however, me being me, who believes our country's national colour is BLACK, is unimpressed that our colour BLACK does not feature.

The Governor General, Anand Satyanand, with the re-designed flag.

More importantly the Crusaders - Waratahs was a great game with the 'Tahs' going outside their usual game plan and deciding to play some high risk stuff that almost paid off. It would have been a travesty if they had won, but still they were certainly the second best team.

One of the more bizarre incidents was at the end when one of the Crusaders' promotional steeds ridden by "knights" before the match, broke from its tether behind the Crusaders' mock castle when fireworks were lit at the end of the game.

Cortezz, who normally rides out solo, ran over the castle drawbridge and galloped around the field between celebrating players and team officials.
A bizarre scene developed as people chased Cortezz around the pitch while fireworks continued to explode and players continued to celebrate with one eye warily fixed on the rampaging steed. But he was taken in hand and everything worked out OK.

Leading on from that game was the naming of the new All Black team which doesn't have Keiran Read in it. Odd decision.

The Irish test in in Wellington this week. One would presume one way traffic but on past performance the Irish usually rise to the occasion.

The Vietnam Vets got the welcome they deserved this week. I objected to our decision to support the Yanks in Vietnam and believe I was proved correct in the long run but the way we treated people who did their duty at Government instruction was lousy. The people who should have been abused was the Holyoake Government of the day.